
Staylive Logotype


Make sure the cancellation reasons table dosen't crash on deleted users


This release fixes the issue where the Dashboard would crash if there was a deleted user (with no email) in the cancellations table.

Update link to "Learn more about livestreaming" on livestream page


This release makes sure that the link "Learn more about livestreaming" goes to the correct page

Fix issue with changing date range on website data in analytics


This release makes sure that the website data part of the analytics works as expected when changing date ranges.

Fallback to more language options for products


This update makes sure to show at least one of the product names in lists and such, instead of showing "No translation found".

Improve package analytics


This update fixes a bug where the package analytics did not work properly if you did not have a payout currency set.

Update unauthorized dashboard access message


This update adds more information when you enter the Dashboard without a proper access, instructing the user to return to the platform instead or to contact support per email if they need help.

Analytics - dynamic dates


This release will add the possibility to use dynamic dates inside of the Analytics part of the Dashboard.

Allow dynamic dates for statistics routes


This update changes the statistics routes to instead use start and end parameters for dynamic analytics.

Add id to the generation of the playlist page


This update fixes an issue where the playlist page was shown as a draft after you created it.

Fix issue when a playlist is deleted


This release will fix the issue where it looked like a deleted playlist was not deleted for a short period of time.

Improve editing experience of CMS editors that uses the content selector component


This release will make it a lot easier to work with the CMS editors inside the Dashboard where users can select content from different sources.

Allow description field to be empty without error when creating livestream


Fix error message saying description can't be empty when it should be able to

Move Playlist link in Dashboard sidebar


Moved the playlist link in dashboard sidebar to be under Content, Organize instead.

Add the title of the playlist on the playlist page


This release makes sure that the meta title and meta description tags are set dynamically on the playlist page

Update playlist item styling on video page


Minor update to color of active playlist item on video page

Use background image as default on the playlist page


This release will make background image the default styling option of the playlist page.

Add reload buttons to live sources and replay categories


This is a minor quality-of-life update that introduces reload buttons to the live sources and replay fields in the live scheduler. These additions make it easier to refresh those specific fields when new values are added elsewhere.

Don't update translation if the translation is not found


This update fixes a bug where the translation was used for subscriptions even though it was not defined by the user

Add background color to html and body


This update fixes an issue where the background of the platform was not the correct one when "overscrolling" the page.

Fix error with playlist page not passing down playlist search query when in playlist page is in Grid mode


This update fixes an issue where the playlist page was not passing down the playlist query in order to display the playlist on the video page.

Deleted channels no longer show up in a few places


This update makes sure we do not display deleted channels from the API when listing channels related to a platform.

You can now remove campaign videos as expected


This change fixes an issue where you were not able to remove campaign videos through the API

Update Datetimepicker and turn off automplete


This update changes the date time picker when managing vouchers. It also turns off the autocomplete functionality, in order for it to not hide the input itself.

Make sure multi-option purchasing button has correct styling


This release makes sure that the purchase buttons which opens up a modal has the correct styling classes appended.

Fix issue with player not showing content correctly


This release will fix the issue with the player not showing content correctly.

Make it easier to see long channel names on livestream page


This release makes sure that we add a hover effect on the channel select on the livestream page. Making it easier for platforms with long channel names to see the full name.

Header font flickering with custom fonts


This release will make sure that platforms which are using custom font dosen't get the header font flickering on page transitions

Left column of step one in video create/edit form has width issues


This release will fix the width issue that occurred in the video create/edit form when typing in long descriptions

Add M2M API keys for platform specific access


This update adds a feature for creating and managing API keys directly through the API.

Make sure private badge is shown on copied livestreams as well


This release makes sure that the "Private" badge on private livestreams are shown regardless of it's a copy or not.

Hide subscription dropdown when user won't have access to change


This release makes sure we hide the subscription dropdown when editing a livestream/video if the user is a collection/channel user

Price is now showing the exclusive offer price on livestream & video


The amount shown for discount was wrong when a voucher was used on content with exclusive offers. The actual price that was shown and paid in Stripe is correct, it is only the displayed discount on our checkout cards that is wrong.

Receipts for packages not working in account settings


This update fixes a bug where package receipts was not always shown in account settings.

Make sure that paths on channels get updated in search engine


This release makes sure that the paths on our channels gets correctly updated against our search engine on creation and updates

Video/broadcast create form is not disabled for statisticians


This release makes sure that the correct user roles are used to check if the signed in user can create a video or livestream

Channels that are not exposed will no longer be shown in search


This release makes sure that channels that has the expose flag set to false dosen't show up in search results on the platform

Schedule gift card emails in the checkout


Add's the option to schedule a gift card email to be sent at a date and time in the future during checkout.

Schedule gift card emails in the API


This release will make sure that our API has support for scheduling gift card emails to be sent out in the future, and not only at the time of the purchase.

Use the new search route on the search page


This release will make use of our new API route for search. This route is now faster and more efficient than the previous one and will also search for tags that's attached to any content.

Added possibility to search for packages in our API


This release will make sure that our packages API route will accept search terms.

Users can now search for packages in the Dashboard


This release will add search functionality for the packages page in the Dashboard.

Remove Apple pay icon from checkout


Currently Apple Pay isn't working properly, so we remove Apple Pay from the checkout buttons while it's not working in order to not mislead customers.

Add possibility to copy settings from another GEO list


With this release comes the functionality of copy settings from an existing GEO list when creating a new one.

Added private status badge to livestream table


This release adds the "Private" badge to the table of livestreams. Making it easier to get an overview on which livestreams that's set to private.

Added Twint as payment method


This release will add the possibility to use Twint as a payment method. This needs to be activated on a platform by platform basis.

Small fixes Analytics overview page


Move order of boxes to make it more clear to the users

Add option in the CMS to customize the accent color of the video player


This will be possible for both the video page and the livestream page

Default player timeline is a bit hard to see


This release makes sure that we make the timeline inside of the video player a bit easier to see. The timeline will now have the accent color set to the primary color of the platform by default. If the administrator of the platform want to use another color, this can be overwritten from within the CMS.

Update styling of embedded livestreams


This release makes the embedded livestreams functionality a bit more up to date

Fix error with Analytics not showing data when no default payout currency is set


This release fixes the issue where no analytics data would show up if a default payout currency was missing on a platform

Searching in the teams tab duplicates access level in table


This release includes a fix for the teams tab in the Dashboard where a search sometimes would duplicate the number of entries with access levels

Dashboard links to deprecated account page


This release makes sure that a click on the account icon in the top right corner redirects the user to the selected platforms /account page instead of the old deprecated account page

Fix broken breadcrumbs inside analytics


This release makes sure that all of our URL's are consistent throughout all different pages inside of the analytics part of the dashboard. For example: now you can press Video/Livestream in the breadcrumbs to navigate back to that specific video.

Make the default date picker in analytics default to yesterday if its the first day of the month


The date picker in analytics now checks if the current date is the first day of the month. If it is, the default date is set to the end of the previous month instead. This change ensures that there is data to show when the month starts.

Fix bug with translations for vouchers


This release will make sure that the translations regarding different cycles when redeeming a voucher is working as expected.

Issues with long names of products in checkout and subscriptions page


This release will fix the issue for products with long names in checkout and on the subscriptions page.

Added possibility to show content year on channel page


This release will enable users to show the uploaded content year on content showcased on the channel page. This release also makes sure that the related content is sorted correctly, showing the most recent content first.

Receipts are now grouped by type under account settings


This release will make sure that a users receipts are grouped by type (ppv, subscription) in account settings. Making it easier for user to find the receipts that they're looking for.

Add missing label on CMS component (#580)



Use correct variable for unique devices for both video & streams


This update fixes an issue where unique devices was not shown on the individual pages for livestreams and videos in the analytics section.

Show PPV in video table


With this update, if you are a platform owner, you will see live PPV data in the videos table.

Add option to add wrapper classes to box navigation


This adds the wrapper classes to the box navigation in the CMS

Update newsletter checkbox handling in Account tab


This update makes sure we handle the newsletter field correctly under account settings

Sort livestream and video categories and add option to show year


This update makes sure we show the newest livestream and video categories first on the channel page, and also adds possibility to show year.

Added a div with wrapper classes for Box navigation


This update adds wrapper class to the box navigation.

Show the plus allt button for Expressen in the menu


This update is related to Expressen, and makes sure we show the +Allt button in the menu when a user is signed in with a subscription.

Only make cursor pointer if an image has got a link


This update makes sure we show the correct pointer when hovering images in the sponsor grid.

Remove cursor as default class from Sponsor grid items


This update makes sure we do not default the cursor pointer class for sponsor grid items.

Minor styling update for new columns in dashboard



Real time data for PPV and package purchases


Adds real time purchase data on livestream and package tables in the dashboard

Api: Add PPV count to video feed


The code changes in this commit add the functionality to display the pay-per-view (PPV) count for each video in the feed. This allows users with the appropriate permissions to see the number of PPV purchases for each video.

Api: Add Purchase count to packages feed


Add the functionality to display package purchases for users with the correct access levels

Api: Add PPV count to livestream feed


The code changes in this commit add the functionality to display the pay-per-view (PPV) count for each livestream in the feed. This allows users with the appropriate permissions to see the number of PPV purchases for each livestream.

Fix redirect URL for livestream analytics



Release datalake


This update releases the access to the new analytics section to all of our customers.

Restrict MobilePay to only be allowed for PPV and to certain currencies


This update is a fix related to the implementation of Mobile pay, which restricts Mobile Pay to all content except subscriptions, and to only be available for EUR, SEK, NOK and DKK.

Add AUD as allowed payout currency


This update allows users to set their payout currency to Australian dollars.

Enable users to copy channel id direct from table


This release makes users the ability to copy the channel id directly from the channel table.

Remove unnecessary link from vouchers table


This release will fix the issue where the vouchers table incorrectly would add another (broken) link to the voucher group if no products were in the group.

Set timeout for uploads to 4 hours


This update extends the amount of time that you have when creating or updating videos to 4 hours.

Fix issue with FAQ fields not being updated correctly


This update fixes an issue with the FAQ component not updating fields correctly in the CMS.

Update French translation for default message in the CMS


This update fixes a translation in the PromoteSection in French to be more accurate.

Long package names breaks the UI for livestream form


This update fixes a UI bug where the livestream form looked bad when you had long package names.

Remove geo restriction and live source from livestream and video copies


This update makes sure that we don't copy the geo restrictions and live sources to the copied replays, since those are constrained on the platform.

Translations are now included with replay if the replay info is not preset.


This update makes sure that if a live stream has got translations, but the name and description for the replay is not present, we will also add the translations to the replay.

Keep UTM tags from the Product Display to the checkout


Since we have a lot of newsletters and targeted marketing that links to the Product display, this update makes sure we keep things like UTM tags into the checkout in order for us to detect these later on in the process in the events.

Added max limits when altering channel information


This update makes sure the API uses the correct constraints when working with channels.

Add better validation for channel name, path and website


This update makes sure we return better error messages for when a channel path, name or website information is not valid.

Allow translations to be empty when editing collections


This update allows the translations for a collection to be empty for the description.

Platform users can add/remove subscriptions on videos/livestreams


This update fixes an issue where platform users were not able to modify subscriptions directly attached to a livestream or video.

Fix issue with redirect from checkout not always working


This update fixes an issue where the redirect from the checkout did not always work when you did not have your own custom domain for your platform.

Show geoblocked subscriptions in "Purchase options" for livestream and video


This update makes sure we show subscriptions even though you are geoblocked, as purchase options in the Dashboard

Updating a video with a new video file no longer resets thumbnail


This update makes sure that when we upload a new video file to an existing video, we keep the thumbnail set.

Strip unnecessary data and reduce latency for churn requests


This update removes some data returned to the cancellations route, in order to make it faster.

Allow empty descriptions for collections


This update makes sure we allow empty descriptions when creating a new collection

Platforms Footer "Powered By" link update


Changed from to

Added slack notification for platforms changing currencies


We will start to send notifications to #system-notifications when a platform changes their currency.

Add button wrapper customization for carousel


This update allows you to update the button wrapper classes for the carousel for specific slides

Add button wrapper customization for carousel from the backend


This update makes use of the custom wrapper classes defined in the CMS

Use new route for Swish receipts


This update makes use of the new swish route in the account settings.

Update how we resolve receipt requests, add new method for Swish receipts


This update adds a new receipt route for swish receipts, in order for users to be able to fetch swish receipts

Added check to make sure we got a discounted price before calculating price


This update is related to Swish, and makes sure that we have a valid discount before continuing with the request.

Update design of the sales page


This update makes the sales page easier to navigate with a new design for the overview page.

Change churn analysis to cancellations reasons


In this update we will rename "Churn analysis" into "Cancellation reasons" since we will move the churn information to the new analytics.

Fix issue with livestreams not being selectable when editing packages


This release fixes the issue where users were unable to select livestreams as part of a package. Also fixes the issue where some users wouldn't be able to add a discount to a voucher group

Make sure we refresh livestream table every 20 seconds


This release makes sure that we always have fresh data in the livestream table, even if the user dosen't interact with it. This is helpful because of data that's being changed regularly such as bitrate, status etc.

Make sure our links in the footer are rendered correctly


This release fixes the problem where screen readers wasn't able to read the links in the footer in a correct way. It's also more semantic correct.

New table design for livestreams and archived livestreams


This release will implement the new table design for the overview table of upcoming and archived livestreams.

Add new CMS component - FAQ


This release will add the new FAQ component to be selectable inside the CMS.

Fix bug regarding being unable to delete a GEO list


This release fixes the issue where some users were unable to delete a GEO list

Add caching to translations



Fix issue with translations not working for categories and tags


This update fixes an issue where the translations for livestream tags & categories did not work properly.

Added new component - FAQ component


This release will prepare the platforms for the upcoming FAQ component that will be useable from within the CMS.

Fix issue with GEO lists not showing up on content edit


This release will fix the issue where some geo restriction lists wasn't showing up when expected during content edit.

Menu fix


Fixes an issue with the platform menu

Sponsor banner component


This release will bring the sponsor banner component available to use on a platform

Global and channel restricted GEO lists

  • Use same functionality for GEO lists as for live sources (global or channel-specific)

Touch up on gift card and product display groups tables


This release makes sure we're using the same look and feel on the tables for gift cards and product display groups. It also makes sure that we keep the empty state consistent

Added help center link in header


This release aims to bring more clarity to our dashboard users on where they can find help if needed.

Encoding the tags to allow # character


This update fixes an issue where content feeds with tags that includes special characters did not work properly.

Subscription table touch up


Added id to table overview and make sure that we have a nice looking empty state when theres no subscriptions set up on a platform

Added correct empty state for packages


This release will make sure that we have a nice looking empty state on a platform that hasen't created any packages yet.

Open up "Ask AI" and feature request to more users


This release adds "Ask AI" and feature request links to the sidebar based on the user's access level. Users with access levels such as 'owner', 'admin', 'superAdmin', 'company', 'companyAndStats', and 'productionRestricted' will see these links from now. This change improves the user experience by providing more open access to AI assistance and feature

Fetch the latest status for a livestream


This update gives us some more information about the livestream status into the feed route

Return content in the preferred language for categories


This update makes sure we return the content inside categories in the preferred language.

Send in content-language for all SWR calls


This update fixes a bug where the language code was not always sent in to the API.

Make sure that we allow empty strings as description on package update


This release makes sure that users can pass in an empty string as a description when updating a package

Added new route for livestream health from Mux


This update allows us to fetch the livestream health straight from Mux into the Dashboard

Allow more users through the feature request route


This update makes sure our backend allows more user roles to create feature requests

Fixes validation error for video specific subscriptions


This update makes sure you can clear all subscriptions linked to a video specifically

Order packages feed by selling and created_at


This release will make sure that the packages feed route will order the packages by selling, and them by created_at

Send default currency of platform a long when creating package


This release makes sure that we're passing the default currency for the platform when creating a package

Make sure we allow users of the API to create a package without a description


This release will make sure that we allow users to create a package through our API without having to pass in a description

Change table of packages overview


This release includes a new table for the packages overview in the Dashboard.

Fix bug with PayPal currencies


This release fixes the bug where a checkout would fail if a user tries to use PayPal as their payment method on a currency that's not supported by PayPal

Affiliate groups now has the new table look


This release brings the new table look to the affiliate groups part of the Dashboard

Add another layer of security for our assets store at Mux


This release makes sure that we add on another layer of security on playback_urls from Mux.

Make sure the packages feed route returns channel name


This release will make sure that the packages feed route now also returns the channel name, and not only the channel id.

Fetch playback urls with program times


This update is a first step into being able to fetch playback urls which allows playback between a specific set of datetimes, and also allows for platforms to be migrated to the new streaming system

Allow custom colors to be null in the validation


This update allows for the custom colors to be null in the API route for platform commons

Packages feed for platform specific access


This release introduces the capability of platform specific packages instead of only channel specific packages.

Show better error messages in the checkout


This release makes sure that we're showing better and more informative error messages when something goes wrong in the checkout step.

Make sure the newsletter checkbox works as expected


This release fixes the issue where the newsletter checkbox under account settings didn't work as expected.

Added custom colors as expected in platform onboarding route


This release fixes the issue where custom colors weren't handled correctly in the API.

Improved error handling for checkout routes


This release will make sure that we return better error messages and more correct status codes from our checkout routes in the API

Bug fix regarding updating a live source


This release will fix the bug where some users were unable to update an existing live source

Fix issue with earnings table showing wrong dates


This update fixes an issue where the earnings table did not show the correct date for some timezones

Vouchers search bar styling fixes


This release will fix the styling issues with the search bars of the voucher group page and the individual voucher group page

Fixed issue with video table filters for producer access level


This release will make sure that users with producer access will get the correct filters on the video page in Dashboard

Collections UI touch up


This release will make sure that the collections part of the Dashboard is up to date with the latest table designs.

Vouchers UI touch up


This release will make sure that the vouchers part of the Dashboard is up to date with the latest table designs.

Virtualise the list for content in packages


This release will make sure that platforms that has a lot of videos/streams on their platform will be able to list them all when choosing what content to include inside of a package

Fix issue with decimal points in payment summaries


This update fixes an issue where the revenue reports breakdown diffed a bit due to roundings. This has no effect on the overall summary, only when looking at the breakdown for the revenue for a specific item.

Update the table for FAST channels


This release will update the table used for showing FAST channels to our new look and feel

Improvement regarding videos in the video table


This release makes sure that users are able to open up individual videos in a new browser tab.

Internal update for code readability


This update does not have any external changes

Revert "Added new sponsorship component(s) to the partnerplatform" [skip-changelog]


This reverts commit d9902ed3f8e19650f734f892bcbd5018ab838488.

Added new CMS components - sponsorship banner


This release will bring three new components to the CMS:

Added new sponsorship component(s) to the partnerplatform


This release will bring new components available to use on all platforms.

Added real data for churn and subscription bentos in analytics overview


This is an internal release in the ongoing datalake project

Make sure we're setting correct initial filter values


This is an internal release in the ongoing datalake project, that makes sure that users get the correct filter values depending on their access levels on the platform

Add label to platform in entity selector


This is an internal release in the ongoing datalake project

Changed the video table overview to new look and feel


Change the table layout on the video overview part of the dashboard. This release also makes sure that the multi select feature works properly, which it hasn't been doing before.

Enable users to change platform and channel when copying content


This release adds the possibility for users to change platform and channel when copying a livestream or a video from within the dashboard.

Copy video/stream route updates


This release adds the feature of passing in id's for channel and platform to the copy video/stream route to be able to move the coped video to a different platform/channel.

Make filters lay over the content performance chart


This is an internal release for the ongoing analytics project

Fix and cleanup code when linking subscriptions in streams to replays


This update fixes an issue where linked subscriptions to a replay directly did not get attached

Platform geo block lists


This update releases a set of new geo restriction routes, so that you can fetch them on a platform level.

Fix 500 error for live source route


This update makes it so that we return a better error message in the live source route when something goes wrong

Fixed translations for channels when editing


This update fixes an issue with channel translations in the API

Fix dynamic prices for replays


This update fixes an issue where the replays would not get the dynamic pricing.

Distribution page updates


This release will add a link to the support on the distribution page, as well as making sure we have a clear description on what the site actually does

Make the custom domain page more clear


Added the input directly at the page and not inside of a modal, added a descriptive text for check DNS records

Visual updates to the Team page


Make the description more descriptive to the users and some more visual improvements to the page.

Updates to the video/stream categories table


Switch out the table used when managing video and livestream categories inside of the dashboard.

Fix bug where page of articles inside of a newsfeed would crash


This release fixes the issue where the page used to show articles inside of a newsfeed would crash due to a earlier release.

Advanced search touch up


This release includes some UI fixes for the advanced search page, as well as making sure that all filters work properly. It also switches out the regular search bar in the header to use the new reusable search component that we've built.

UX fixes for Newsfeed in Dashboard


This fix brings the newsfeed and article sections of the dashboard some love. Including changing the tables to have the same look and feel as the rest of the Dashboard and some other UX touch ups.

Updates on the about field in the channel form


This update changes the look and feel of the "About" section when creating and editing a channel. The translations for this field is now the same as the rest of the dashboard.

Currencies page UX touch up


This brings some UX touch up to the Currencies page in the Dashboard. Updated design of table, added a description to the page

Fix duplicate issue for newsfeeds


This update makes sure that we do not show duplicate packages as attached to a newsfeed.

Make sure admins can access gift card and exclusive offers (#448)


This release makes sure that both platform owners and platform administrators can access the gift card and exclusive offers sections in the Dashboard

Update video player in Dashboard


This update makes sure we use the latest version of the video player in the Dashboard.

Live sources improvements


This release will make sure that we improve the user experience on the live sources overview page. We're changing the look of the table and adding some smaller UX improvements

Channel table UX improvements


This release will make sure that we improve the user experience on the channels overview page. We're changing the look of the table and the search input above the table.

UX update regarding the subscription section of the Dashboard


With this release comes a new fresh look of the subscription table inside of the Dashboard. We're streamlining the look and feel of our tables across the Dashboard, and this is part of that work. It also makes sure that the user gets visual and clear guidance when creating/updating a subscription.

Enable users to copy a responsive embed code


This release changes the embed copy that users can copy under videos and livestreams to include a responsive player instead of a one with fixed height and width.

Make sure we're updating statement descriptor in Stripe


This release makes sure that we're updating the statement descriptor in Stripe when we're updating the platform name from the Dashboard.

Fix bug regarding choosing specific end time in edit livestream


This update makes it so that we step +1 -1 minutes instead, making all values legit for edit livestream form

Add thumbnail previewing when editing a livestream


This release fixes a bug where the preview of a thumbnail when editing a livestream wouldn't show up as expected.

Add support for adding images to pages in the CMS


This release will add the possibility to add images to pages in the CMS. These images will then be used when sharing links to your platform on social media.

Move delete button on Product display group edit


This release makes sure that the delete button when editing a product display group is placed at the top and not at the bottom.

Use language selector that's tied to the platforms languages


This release makes sure that the language selector for description translations on channels and collection pages now only shows the languages that the platform has activated.

Update font family for all headings


This release will change the font that's being used on our headings in the Dashboard. This bring a much more pleasant view for our dashboard users.

Small fixes to the video edit form


This release fixes the issue where users were unable to unset the publish_date checkbox. Also fixes the issue where campaigns wouldn't show up, even if they were attached.

Fix issue with category references in videos and livestream


This release fixes the issue where the video and livestream route wasn't behaving correctly regarding references to categories

Sidebar updates regarding push notifications


This release makes sure that we're only showing the Push notification menu option to platform owners that has a mobile app

Small UI improvements inside affiliate groups page


This release will remove the miss placed left arrow besides the title inside of the affiliate groups page

Don't include dynamic_prices when editing details of a subscription


This is just a quality of life improvement. Make sure we're not sending in dynamic pricing to the API when updating general settings of a subscription.

Change payout information box to yellow instead of red


If you haven't set a currency for your platform, the information box now is shown in yellow style instead of red. Since it isn't an actual warning.

Small UI improvements in widgets table


This release tightens the space in the widgets table if there are no widgets set up on the platform

Make dynamic prices optional when updating subscription


This release makes sure that the API route dosen't crash if you try to update a subscription without passing in dynamic_prices in the payload

Fix left margin issue on campaigns page


This release will fix the left margin that was off on the channel selector on the campaigns page in the Dashboard

Make sure the cta query is correct on domains


This release makes sure that users get redirected correctly inside the checkout on platforms using domains

Add <meta /> tag for og:image if present on a page


This release will make sure that the partnerplatform adds a meta tag for og:image if it's present. Otherwise it will fallback to the fallback image of the platform. Making sure shared platform links has a more pleasant "share card" on social media.

Make sure we strip HTML tags from name and description in embed mode


This release will make sure that HTML-tags from content name and description will be removed correctly when the player is in embed mode.

Add support for adding an image to a page


This release adds support in our API for connecting an og:image to a specific page.

Custom domain and playback restriction fixes


This release aims to solve issues we had regarding custom domains and playback restrictions

Add missing translations


This update fixes an issue where we have some translations missing in the payment overview.

Fix bug with voucher redemptions


This release fixes the issue where some vouchers would fail on the lookup step

Voucher with flat amount on subscription fails to redeem


This release will fix a bug where some vouchers with a flat amount would fail when trying to redeem

Update Bonnier GTM to strip sub properly


This update is related to the Bonnier GTM, and makes sure we strip the values from the user sub property before sending it through GTM.

Fix bug when adding new sections in the CMS


This release will fix a bug that made some sections in the "New section"-modal appear more than once. This issue was only noticeable if certain conditions was met on your platform.

Make it easy to skip changelog posts


This release will enable us to skip creating changelog posts and messages to the changelog slack channel if we think it's not relevant

Increase readability of amounts in analytics


This is an internal release regarding the ongoing datalake project

Update styling for Hero image in CMS


This release makes sure that we're setting the correct styling for the Hero image to make sure that it dosen't end up behind the overlay

Make the sales graph a bit more easier to understand


This is an internal release in the ongoing datalake project.

Fix issue with tooltip of donut chart clipping the text behind


This is an internal release in the ongoing datalake project

Fix issue with details modal crashing on "Top content"


This is an internal release in the datalake project.

Make sure we're appending the path to the preview URL in the CMS


This is an internal release only, making sure we're appending the platform path to the URL when previewing the platform from inside the CMS.

Allow users to change timezone without a date set


This release will enable users to change timezone when creating a new livestream, without being forced to pick a date first.

Update channel selector for single or multiple channels


This update fixes an issue where the channel dropdown would crash if you only had one channel on your platform

Development update regarding platform path


This is an internal release only.

Select component not handling overflow very well


This release makes sure the select component, that's used for different product selectors in the Dashboard, handles overflow in a correct manner.

Show correct URL to video page on share tab (#443)



Fix bug when updating livestream with a camera integration


This release makes sure that when updating a livestream that has a camera integration, the key is set correctly.

Add logic for only playing ads for livestreams at most every 5 min


This update changes the behaviour of the prerolls, making them play only at most every 5 minutes

Make hover settings follow to "Show all" on content feeds


This update makes the hover setting on content feeds also reflect cards in the "Show all" modal for that content feed

Added new breakdown page for packages


This is an internal release for our ongoing datalake project.

Fix for net revenue in product breakdown


This release is internal for the datalake project

If KPI value doesn't exist, it no longer crashes route


This is an internal release of our datalake project

Add product breakdown by day in sales reports


This release is targeted towards the datalake

Currency changes to execute queue when adding new currency


This update makes sure we run the queue for changing currency when you change to something other than SEK.

Revamped the design of the livestream and video breakdown page


This is an internal release of the datalake project

Add better handling when restriction doesn't exist


Internal release for syncing playback restrictions

Fix bug where collections did not work as filter for some routes


This update is internal for the datalake project.

Bugfix for video analytics page


This is an internal release for the datalake project.

Group country & regions and player names in each route


Internal release in the datalake project

Added breakdown page for videos


This is an internal release in the datalake project

Add more bar lists below line chart on sales page


This is an internal release in the datalake project.

Only allow price edit for superAdmin users on subscriptions


This release will make sure that the "Edit price" button on subscriptions is only visible for users with superAdmin access (Staylive employees)

Fix issues with domains, Cloudflare & restrictions


This update fixes a previous issue with connecting custom domains, where our internal checks did not catch if the domain was already present or not.

Revert "Better checks when connecting a domain"


This reverts an earlier release towards domain checks.

Fix issue with video edit form not handling video files correctly


This release will make sure that the edit video form now correctly handles updating the actual video file.

Better checks when connecting a domain


This update fixes an issue with connecting your domain to your platform, where it would sometimes behave incorrectly.

Fix loading indicators and empty state for PieChart


This is an internal release in the ongoing datalake project

Allow only super admins to make changes to subscriptions price


This update makes it so that only Staylive employees are able to update the price of subscriptions.

Fix minor bug with the RTMP url format


This update fixes a minor typo in the rtmp url displayed in the Dashboard

Fetch RTMP-url from the API instead of hard coded onto the site.


This update makes sure we show the correct RTMP url in the Dashboard when a platform is on a prioritised RTMP network. Also some updates related to the sales page in the datalake.

Add new prioritized RTMP solution


This update is related to bringing more redundancy into the RTMP workflow, with a dedicated prioritized RTMP solution.

Fix invalid URL for fetching channels in channel page


This update fixes an issue where the channel page did not function correctly.

Remove duplicate date unit filter


Internal release in the Datalake project.

Make sure that channel page gets translations correctly


This release fixes the issue where the channel page wouldn't get translations correctly for a given channel.

Fix issue with uneven spacing in filters UI


Internal release for the datalake project

Use regular datepicker if date unit is day


Internal release in the datalake project.

Select mux_viewer_ids in top content route


Internal release in the datalake project

Fix bug where channel filter did not work for player distribution


Internal release in the datalake project.

Some cleanup and translations for breadcrumbs


Internal release in the datalake project.

Add player distribution to content performance


Internal release in the datalake project.

Add mux_viewer_ids to player distribution


Internal release in the datalake project.

Add route for player breakdown


Internal release in the datalake project.

Code cleanup


Internal release in the datalake project.

Fixed channel_id in analytics


Internal release in the datalake project.

Fix loading states to match other loading states


Internal release in the datalake project.

Add loading indicators to multiple things in content performance


Internal release in the datalake project.

Set a yAxisWidth on the AreaChart


Internal release in the datalake project.

Make the tooltips clickable


Internal release in the datalake project.

Flip order of datepicker/dateunit


Internal release in the datalake project.

Add static height to top content rows


Internal release in the datalake project.

Only show details modal if we have more then 7 items


Internal release in the datalake project.

Fix typo in away team message


This update fixes an issue where the message for choosing the away team message was incorrect.

Empty country names are now set to "Unknown country"


Internal release in the Datalake project.

Make sure users can remove categories from videos in new form


This release fixes the issue where users encountered errors removing categories from a video in the new edit video form

Video edit form overhaul


This release will make the new video form show up when editing a video

Live chat covers part of the stream


Some UI fixes for the live chat. Make sure that the chat window dosen't cut of part of the video player.

Fixed trailing spaces for tags


This release fixes an issue where tags on videos and livestreams sometimes would behave weird.

Fixed correct width of sidebar


This release fixes the issue where the sidebar scroll would make the UI jump.

Fix issue where sidebar overflowed


This update fixes an issue where the sidebar menu sometimes would overflow on some screen sizes.

Fetch more channels and content


This update is internal, and sets the limit for the amount of channels and content we fetch a bit higher, to make use of the detailed view

Update routes to work with new Datalake structure


This release is internal, and makes our API routes for analytics work with the new structure for the datalake.

Sidebar should stick when scrolling in main view in Dashboard


This release is a UX improvement to the Dashboard that makes sure that the left sidebar sticks in place even if the main content area contains content with a lot of height.

Bugfix for requires login on livestream


This release fixes the issue where the "Require users to be signed in" switch wasn't visually showing the correct value in the livestream form

Bugfix for vouchers with region restriction


This release fixes the issue where a voucher with a region restriction set wouldn't work as expected.

Removal of packages from a video not working as expected


This release fixes an issue where removal of packages from a video wouldn't work as expected.

Backwards compatibility for subscription removal for the new form


This release will make sure that the new video form will be able to handle removal of subscriptions

Bug fix for categories when updating a video


This release fixes the issue where trying to unset categories on a video would fail.

Fix bug with menu logo click opened in new tab


This update fixes a bug where the logotype in the menu opened in a new tab when using a custom url.

Add modal for gross revenue (#420)


This release is internal and turns the gross revenue into a modal if there is mixed currencies.

New video create form in Dashboard


This release will bring a whole new video form to the Dashboard.

Fix a bug in Video POST and PUT route


This release fixes the bug in the video POST and PUT route which caused the route to fail when inserting some values in to the database.

Prepare the API for the new create video form


This release will prepare the API to support the new create video form in the Dashboard

Discount groups does not show discount for users not logged in.


When a user is not logged in, there's no way for them to see if a discount is applied when they for example subscribe. The discount is only shown to the users who has an account and are subscribed. This release will make sure that the discount will show up even for users that's not signed in.

Added descriptor for bank statement in Stripe


This release makes sure that all new platforms created from now on will get the platform name as descriptor in Stripe. What this means for the end users is that the transaction from us on their bank receipt will have the platform name instead of "Staylive". Making it easier for users to associate the payments with the correct customer.

Fix AI camera not being choosen when editing


This update fixes an issue where if you had an AI camera selected for your livestream, that was not being reflected in the new livestream form.

Minor href updates to livestream analytics


This update fixes the back link for the new analytics project. Internal release.

Updates to livestream analytics page


Internal release that updates the look and feel of the livestream analytics page.

Use barlist for top content and top channels


This release is internal and updates the top content and channels to use a barlist instead of regular tables.

Update devices to players to better reflect meaning


Internal release which changes from devices to players in analytics routes to better reflect the meaning of the data.

Update analytics pages to have a uniform appearance


This release updates the design of Churn analysis and Website data, to be more uniform with the new analytics section that will be released later.

Start to make analytics look and feel the same


This is an internal release to make sure all pages related to analytics looks and feels the same way.

Add option to breakdown by region for specific content type and id


Internal release that adds a new route for region breakdown on a single content id.

Cleanup API routes


This update is internal and just moves some routes around, making it easier to understand what they are used for.

API route for Content analysis


This update brings in a route for specific content analysis. This is a pre release.

Add route for trending content


Internal release, adds a new route for trending content.

Add Assets manager for mobile background hero


This update makes it so that we now use the assets manager for the mobile background video in the background hero component, when changing the video in the CMS.

Fix loading state for livestream archive


This update resolves an issue where the livestream archive occasionally displayed an unclear or incorrect loading stage.

Fix issue with custom start times not working properly


This update fixes an issue in the livestream form, where if you set a custom start time, the end time would not follow the duration properly.

Add content type filter and append it to queries


Internal release for the datalake, adds a filter to content type

Add content type to filters for countries and performers


This is an internal release and adds a filter for content type to both the country breakdown as well as the top performing channels.

Bugfix for content feed with livestream collection categories


This release fixes the issue with livestream collection categories content feeds that wasn't working correctly

Add functionality for custom logo urls and disabled logo


This release ties up the values that we set in the CMS for custom urls for the logotype in the menu.

Add block for custom url and disable menu logo clicks


This update makes it possible to customise where you would like the logotype in the menu to take you. It also makes it possible to disable the click on the logotype entirely. The option can be found under the platform menu, under logotype styling.

Arrows on content feed is misaligned in height


This release fixes the issue with the arrows on the content feed being misaligned in height.

Reworked the entity selector of the new analytics page


This is an internal release in the ongoing analytics project

Make sure we update the metadata when redirecting to replay


This update is related to the embed and how we redirect from a livestream to the replay. This release resolves a bug where the metadata hooked up to our player still pointed towards the livestream, resulting in a mix between replay data and livestream data.

Livestream edit - make sure that packages and subscriptions are appended correctly


This release fixes the issue where subscriptions and packages wasn't appended correctly to the payload on livestream edit

Add channel to the API call when editing a livestream


This release makes sure we're appending the newly selected channel when switching channels on a livestream

Private now comes from the livestream primarily in regards to the replay


This update resolves a bug that prevented replays for a private livestream from being marked as private.

Don't strip values when changing to the same channel


This update makes sure we do not strip the values for live source, categories and geo restriction when updating the channel for a livestream, to the same channel as we already had.

Fix issue with max date for datalake routes


This update is a behind the scenes update and fixes some issue with how we validate dates in the routes for the datalake

Make sure the opacity slider works in the CMS again


This release makes sure that the slider that's used in Box navigation and Carousel to set the opacity overlay is working again.

Added top countries section


This update is behind the scenes, and adds a new top countries + regions section.

Fixed Boom error-message to user


This update fixes some error messages in the datalake routes to be more specific.

Add top regions route


Pre-relase route for fetching the top countries and regions for a platform.

Fix issue with adding/removing subscriptions


This release will fix the issue where the update livestream step would fail when trying to add/remove subscriptions or packages.

Add top countries to new analytics project


Internal release to add a top countries analytics box to the Dashboard analytics project

Fix issue with example text


This update removes some example text.

Fix layout issue with top content


This update is internal and fixes an update with the width of the top content table.

Add top content and top channels


This update adds top content and top channels to the overview of the content performance page.

Add content performance page


Internal release to add a content performance page to the Dashboard.

Created route for top content


This is a pre-release and adds a new route for determining the top content for a platform.

Add country parameter to country top list for channel performers


This is a pre release and adds the ability to filter top channels per country.

Top performers for channels in analytics


This is a release behind the scenes, which brings top performing channels to the analytics routes.

Make sure the category select gets prefilled correctly under replay settings


This release fixes the bug where a replay with a category selected on a livestream wouldn't show up correctly in the dropdown.

API route for listing countries listed in the Datalake


This is a behind the scenes updates, which makes it possible to fetch countries for KPI filtering for the datalake.

Fix access route for KPIs


This is a behind the scenes release, and fixes some access functionality in the access route.

Add base for overview page, datalake


This release is a pre-release, and adds the overview page for the datalake. This page is not yet reachable through the Dashboard.

Fix issue with thumbnail not updating in new form


This update fixes an issue where the thumbnail was not updated through the new livestream form.

Fixes issue with specific subscriptions not added to replays


This update fixes an issue where the livestreams that had specific subscriptions added where not brought over to the replay.

Fix livestream edit form bug


This release fixes the issue where the livestream edit form sometimes would crash when changing options & preferences tab

New edit livestream form


This release brings a new edit UI for livestreams.

Fix bug with grouping by country


This update fixes a bug in the KPI route where we grouped incorrectly on country breakdowns.

Fix issue with requires login option on livestreams


This release makes sure we're using the correct key for a livestream that should be set with "requires login" option.

First analytics route, KPI


This update brings in a new route for KPIs on a platform level to the API, making it the first step towards our new analytics engine.

Foundation work for datalake


This update is some ground work that needs to be done in order to have access to our datalake.

Refactor menu items to use route instead of screen


Internal release. Makes sure our API for creating tv apps takes the correct keys

Bugfix when creating new Apple TV app through the API


This release makes sure we take correct keys from the menu item of our Demoplatform when creating new apps

Added CMS for Apple TV apps


This adds a CMS for Apple TV applications in our Dashboard. This CMS will only be visible for super admins.

Added new route for generating TV apps


Internal release only. This route enables us to generate new TV apps faster.

Show popup that newer version is available.


This update adds a new popup in the Dashboard, showing you that you have a newer version of the Dashboard available than the one your are currently running.

Fix minor issue with how offset was being set


This update fixes a minor issue with setting the offset value from query params.

Added new routes regarding drafts for tv apps


This update makes it possible to update the layout for Apple TV apps through the API.

Allow for empty description


This update fixes a bug where an empty description was not allowed in order to update a livestream.

Remove paypal as option if currency is not supported


This option removes Paypal as a payment option if the currency is not supported by Paypal.

Make sure we only render the script tag once


This update makes sure we don't add the script tag multiple times, if we already have it.

Further updates to BAU


This implements a couple of tweaks to the bau implementation.

Update BAU provider to work through Didomi


This update is related to ads, and loads them through Didomi instead.

Fix issues with replay information


This update fixes an issue where the livestream form was not sending in the replay information.

Fix for thumbnails


This update fixes an issue where thumbnails where not being sent in through the new livestream form.

Update border colors for charts


This update fixes an issue where the border colors for some charts where off.

Add missing option slug to Apple Tv


This update is only internal, and adds a missing property for the apple tv configurations.

Fix bug where camera integration always reset


This update fixes an issue in the new livestream form, where it was always reset when you changed the camera integration.

Fix small bug with live sources in the new form



Require token for retriving tv configurations



Fix issue with order by


This update fixes an issue where the order by threw an error.

Release - New livestream form


This release brings the new livestream form that we've been working on, which will make creating new livestreams much easier

Livestream route has been rewritten to work with the new livestream overhaul


We've made some changes to how the livestream route handles data and made sure it's backwards compatible for any external users using the API

Add route for getting tvOS layout


This is an internal release that allows us to fetch the layout of the new Apple TV apps

Make sure not all strings are empty in Checkout button


The CMS prefill all button texts for the success button with empty strings. This update makes sure that if all strings are empty, we default it to the default translation inside the button

CMS Content rows, remove padding from default styling


Don't include any padding for content rows default styling

You can now add thumbnails to copied videos


This update makes it possible to add thumbnails to copied videos, in case you want to display it differently.

Add wrapperClasses prop to ContentFeedEditor component


This update makes it possible to customise the wrapper classes for a Content feed in the CMS.

Allow for editing wrapper class for Content feed.


This update allows the wrapper to take on props from the CMS in the platform.

Scroll to top when navigating


This update makes sure that when we click on menu items and links, we are scrolled back to the top on the new page we land on.

Use updated_at as second order for videos feed


When fetching videos based on latest updated, we now use created_at as a second order by.

Allow changing thumbnail of cloned streams and videos in the API


This release allows users to use custom thumbnails for copied videos

Add gradient mask plugin


This release adds a new tailwind plugin to our partnerplatform. Making it possible to put gradient overlays on images

Discount groups does not show discount for users not logged in


This release will make sure that any discount groups added to livestream or video content will show up on the livestream and video page even for users that's not signed in.

Support for dropdown items styling in the platform


This release makes sure that the platform is designed to support dropdown items styling in the menu component

Dropdown items in the menu can now be styled simultaneously


This release adds support for styling all the dropdown items in one place, instead of adding separate styling to all of them. Users can also style the background color of the dropdown items.

Add new type when selecting content


This update makes it possible to use the new type collection tags when working with content feeds.

Add new tag types to content feed


This update makes it possible to create content feeds with the new type Livestream/video collection tags. This allows you to fetch all livestreams/videos from channels in an entire collection, with specific tag(s).

Add more custom colors to the CMS


This release adds support for adding more custom colors to a platform. User can now add upp to five more colors plus the already existing primary and accent colors. These can be found under General settings in the CMS.

Add dashboard support to edit the hover effects on content card items


This will add support for customizing hover effects on the content feed card items

Add category ID to page


This update adds the category id to the table of your video and livestream categories overview.

Add hover options to content feed card items


This release will make it possible to style the hover effects on content card items in different modes.

Add hover to z-index variants in tailwind safelist


Internal release only. Not effecting the behavior on the platform.

Add more options to check external subscriptions


This update makes it possible for us to send more values to 3rd parties when checking if the user has got a subscription elsewhere.

Broken download links for videos


This release will fix the issue where videos with special characters in the video name would make the download links broken. We now make sure that we remove the special characters and replace them with their generic counterpart.

Restrict how videos can be played when


This release adds restrictions of how content can be played when using a set domain

Design fixes to our onboard email when creating a new platform


Updated onboarding email to use new logo and colors, also fixes wrong support domain.

Affiliate groups - export links


This release adds functionality to export all the links from a affiliate group to a CSV file.

Updated default properties for mobile app


This update changes some of the default props for components in the mobile app

Fix for revenue currency


This update fixes an issue where the revenue currency for a platform sometimes was incorrect.

Some user accesses get error when trying to navigate to a newly created collections or channel


This release makes sure that the collection/channel page dosen't crash when entering them for some specific user accesses

Fix bug with weird line breaks on channel table


This release fixes the UI bug where the access level on channels table would line break in a weird way.

Design fixes to the livestream table


This release fixes some UI hick ups that was in the livestreams table.

Fix bug with assets manager not returning all assets


This release fixes the issue where our assets manager didn't show all assets that was available on some platforms.

Don't display ads inside of app for Bonnier ads


This update makes sure we do not display ads inside when you have the app embedded into another app via the Bonnier Ads system.

Add message for modal description on the Team page


This update fixes a translation issue on the team page.

UI fixes for the Sales tab


This release fixes some UI hick ups in the sales tab

Dashboard users can now change their payout currency in the dashboard


This release will add the possibility for platform owners to change their payout currency from within the dashboard. It also removes all the previously hardcoded "SEK" values from the Manage payouts section and restyled the tables used in the payout section to get a more cohesive look with the rest of the tables in the dashboard

Add support in our API for handling more currencies in payouts


This release adds support in our API for handling more currencies than SEK for our customers on their payouts.

Add id columns to collection overview


This update updates the collection table, showing the id in the table.

Add new editors to mobile CMS


This update adds the channel page editor and the channel feed editor, also making them available when adding components.

Add support to the CMS for handling more styling options on the language selector


This release makes sure the CMS in the Dashboard has support for the newly added styling options to the language selector

Language toggle in header/footer has fixed width problems


This release makes sure the partner platform has better support for handling styling on the language selector in header/footer

Dashboard gift card translations


This release takes usage of the newly added support in our API for translations on gift cards. Users of the dashboard can now see any translations for their gift cards, including name, description and subtitle.

Update to some internal checks


This update is only internal.

Add script for syncing transactions


This update is only internal and adds some scripting functionality for syncing transaction data.

Setting voucher discount to forever breaks the voucher group


This release fixes a bug where the dashboard would crash if you set a subscription voucher with the "until cancelation" option chosen for cycles.

Added translation for vouchers with forever cycles


This release will make sure we have translation support for when using vouchers with the "forever" cycles option set.

Update analytics table to align better


This release is pure UI improvements on the broadcast and video analytics page tables to make them align better when the content has longer names.

Fix bug where total pages were calculated incorrectly


This will fix the issue where vertical content feed and content rows wouldn show show wrong amount of total pages

Fix bug with date range component


This release fixes the issue with the date range component that didn't update its values correctly

Fix order bug in video feed route


This release will fix the bug where the videos in the video feed route got ordered in the wrong order if no orderby param was sent

Prepare the dashboard for dark mode


This is the first release of many in our ongoing dashboard overhaul project. This release will prepare the dashboard to be run in dark mode. It also includes some minor UI fixes to get a more cohesive look and feel.

Fix issue where useContent used the wrong value


This update fixes an issue where the tag feed hook used to wrong value when calculating the amount of pages of videos that we have.

Skip validation for maximum value for videos


This update fixes a bug where the amount of videos was capped at 100. You can now fetch as many as you like.

Add missing field for CMS editor


This update adds a missing field for modal button styles to the mobile cms, related to the content feed editor.

Ability to sort video feed by name, created_at and name


This release adds support for sorting by various fields in the video feed API route.

Release - Improve onboarding flow


This release will release the improvements in the API for onboarding

Fix CMS bug where some users were unable to save general settings


This release fixes the issue where some platform users were unable to save general settings due to a missmatch in how we pre fill missing keys in objects

Make sure our API returns any discounted prices for livestreams and videos


This release makes sure that our API returns any discounted prices that may be attached to content. A platform may have set up a exclusive offer and with the help of this release, we can show what this price will be on the platform without the requirement of the user being logged in, which was the case earlier.

Make sure we're sending the users selected language when fetching gift cards


This release makes sure that we send the users selected language to the API when fetching gift cards. This is needed to get the correct translations

Voucher groups are not being linked to properly


Use correct link tags when navigating from the voucher groups table in to a specific voucher group

Bug fix for when saving drafts in the CMS


This release fixes the issue where the "Save section" button in the CMS form wouldn't be clickable after changing back to the original values.

Make sure our API returns translations for gift cards


This release makes sure that our API dosen't only return the gift cards name, description and subtitle in the default language of the platform, but also any translations that may exist.

Update field for classes in information section


This update fixes an issue where the information section for the mobile app in the CMS was editing the wrong classes.

Add more data to platform transactions table


This update is more internal, to store more data about the transactions in our transaction table.

UI fixes for the "Use voucher"-button in the checkout


This release makes sure that the "Use voucher"-button in the checkout looks good and is readable in all different screen sizes

Bug fix for vertical content feed and categorized content in the CMS


This release makes sure that the CMS passes the "Include categorised videos" property down correctly in the vertical content feed CMS editor

Bug fix for vertical content feed and categorized content


This release will fix the issue where a vertical content feed wouldn't show categorised content correctly

Added TikTok and YouTube to platform menu in the CMS


This release will make sure that users now can toggle whether they want to show/hide the TikTok and YouTube icons in their header menu.

Fix issue where CMS did not reflect changes in VerticalContentFeed


This update makes sure we show the correct content in the feed when previewing in the CMS.

Close modals when saving


This update makes sure the VerticalContentFeed and Platform Menu modals closes when saving in the CMS.

Stop platform from crashing with custom fonts


This update makes sure the platform does not crash when you select a custom font without actually applying one.

Embedded player of a livestream doesn't show replay after livestream is finished


This release makes sure that the embedded player shows the replay instead of the actual livestream, if the livestream has ended and theres a replay ready.

Add support for custom colors when updating a platforms theme


This release adds support in the API for adding up to five custom colors on a platform

Add more custom colors to platforms


This release adds the possibility to have up to five extra custom colors on a platform instead of our regular two colors.

Close modals in CMS when saving


This update makes sure we properly close the modals for Box navigation and Carousels when saving boxes and slides.

Add export button to affiliate groups


This update makes it possible to export the answers inside of an affiliate group.

Livestream / Video share tab overhaul


This update brings a new simpler design to the share tabs for videos and livestreams.

Creating Gift cards now defaults currency to platform default


This update fixes a bug where the currency for creating gift cards always defaulted to SEK.

Fix insert of wallclock times


This update fixes a bug where the wallclock times where not stored properly.

Bug fix regarding updating thumbnails on a video


This release will fix the issue where a updated thumbnail of a video wouldn't be shown correctly on the platform if the thumbnail had the same name as the previous.

UI fixes for the channel page component


This release will make sure that the channel page component is set up correctly in terms of container/wrapper hierarchy. This will enable CMS users to style the channel page more granularly

Update default styling for the channel page component


This release makes sure we have a correct and good looking default styling for the channel page component in the CMS.

Fix issue with collection owners that are unable to edit package description


This release fixes the issue where collection owners we're unable to edit the "Description" field on a package.

Unparse the payload when storing recording times


This update makes sure we store the recording times properly from Mux.

Store wallclock times for replays related to during which times the livestream was live


This update makes sure we store wallclock times for replays, as well as uses those if the video has been offloaded.

Add editor for Article list for mobile cms


This update adds a new editor to the mobile CMS.

Fix bug where deleting a page in the CMS would not delete the draft


When you delete a page inside the CMS, the drafts are kept, which turns into a problem if you later on try to add a new page with the same path as the deleted page. This release fixes this problem

Make sure that embedded content has correct access


This release makes sure that the embedded content belongs to the correct platform

Information section editor for mobile cms


This update brings the information section editor into the mobile CMS.

Add mobile CMS functionality


This update brings a lot of functionality into the mobile CMS. The mobile CMS is currently only available to Staylive employees.

Cant set preview deployment URL of platform


This is a development team only feature.

Show amount of scheduled livestreams in dashboard


This release will show a visual indication inside the livestream table regarding how many livestream that's totally scheduled.

Make it easier to find links to packages and subscriptions


This release will add two indications for the user when viewing a specific package or subscription with a clear and visible direct link to where this product can be bought.

Added missing pagination to relay sessions table



Added new UI for relay sessions


This release will add a new UI to the Dashboard - Relay sessions. This is built to get a better and cleaner overview of all the livestreams that's being relayed to another destination.

Rephrase the word "Pay by card" to "Checkout"


Since we have multiple payment methods, not just card, this release makes sure that we use different phrase instead of "Pay by card"

Improved search functionality to vouchers


This release improves the ability to search for vouchers inside of a voucher group. Earlier you could only search for a maximum of 20 vouchers inside of a voucher group. This release will improve it making it possible to search for all vouchers inside of a voucher group.

Added a max width of subscription name


This release fixes the issue where subscription names with a lot of characters would make the "Change card" button come out of viewport on smaller devices.

Prevent unnecessary hits against condition lists


This release fixes the issue where the platform application would make unnecessary hits against a specific API route when the header was in view port.

New component - redirect unauthorised users to /login


This release makes sure we have a component that can be used to automatically redirect users which are not signed in to the /login route. This is intended to be used on our archive platforms that wants to lock their platform for unauthorised users.

Bugfix regarding general settings


This fixes the bug where the general settings section in the CMS would crash if fonts object was set up incorrect

Support for uploading/using custom fonts in the CMS


This release brings the ability to add and manage your custom fonts from within the CMS.

Bug fix regarding replays with dynamic prices


This release will fix the problem with livestreams that had dynamic prices attached to them failed to create replays

Added new route for streams with relay destinations


This release will add a new route in the API that enables us to fetch all upcoming streams that has at least one relay destination connected to it

Add support for loading custom fonts in a new technical way


This release makes sure that the platform is ready to support custom fonts set directly in the CMS

Users can now select "Forever" on voucher cycles


This release makes sure that users dosen't have to set a number on cycles when creating a subscription voucher. They can instead select "Forever" and the voucher will be valid for forever amount of cycles.

Remove check for geo_prices on packages in checkout route


This removes unnecessary checks against an old database table that's not being used anymore

Stop users from picking a duplicate country in dynamic prices


This release fixes the bug where you could select a country on the map that was already in another pricing group.

Affiliate groups UI fix


This release fixes the UI issue where the "Filter" button would jump down to it's own row on some screen sizes.

Release - Marketing integrations [Dashboard]


This releases Marketing integrations, which enables users to connect external marketing tools to their platform.

Release - Marketing integrations [API]


This releases Marketing integrations, which enables users to connect external marketing tools to their platform.

Only allow Swish if currency is SEK


This update makes sure the currency for a gift card is SEK before starting a payment intent in Swish.

Update preview routes to go directly to RTMP machines


This release will make our preview url's for incoming streams work again after the rework of or RTMP setup

Don't show Swish for giftcards if currency is not Swish


This update fixes an issue where Swish was available as a purchase method even though the currency was not Swish.

Fix bug regarding page crash after editing a affiliate group


This release fixes the issue where the app would crash in some cases when navigating through affiliate groups

Update index.js



Add internal name to affiliate groups in Dashboard


This release will add a new field to affiliate groups - internal name. This can be use to distinguish two affiliate groups which may have the same question. Before you could have two affiliate groups that were named "Whats your favourite team?" which would make it hard to distinguish the two from within the Dashboard.

Add internal name to affiliate groups


This release will add support for adding an internal name to affiliate groups in the API.

Fix issue with Swish not being able to redirect to the success page


This release makes sure that the checkout redirects customers to the success page after a successful Swish purchase.

Payment method types from Stripe is now handled through the API


This release will enable us to opt-in on new payment methods at a platform level. For example: we can now enable PayPal as a payment method for a specific platform instead of enabling it for all platforms.

Fix the issue with embedded player going nuts after exiting fullscreen


This release fixes the problem where the embedded version of our player would jump outside of the viewport after exiting fullscreen on some devices.

Fix issue with mobile navigation not closing the menu after clicks


This release makes sure that the mobile menu will close automatically after an internal link has been clicked

Fix issue with "Show more" button that dosen't show


This release fixes the issue where the "Show more" button didn't show correctly on certain content types.

Small changes to Expressen GTM


This update makes some small changes to the Expressen GTM.

Add support for otf font types in the API


This release makes sure we're accepting otf font files for our upcoming feature of managing custom fonts from the Dashboard.

Bug fix for vertical content feed


This release makes sure we're handling errors (especially 404's) correctly.

Increase the lazy loading margin on content feeds


This release will make sure that we lazy load the content feeds on scroll a bit earlier than we did before. Before this release 100% of the content feed must be in view before we loaded it, but now we're loading it a bit earlier to make it a more pleasant user experience

Update GET_PAGE_DRAFT action to support CMS changes



Fix broken preview in the CMS



UI updates to the partnerplatform


This release adds a smoother UI to the header/footer/main content render cycle.

Remove trailing slash from path


This release fixes the issue where some third party providers were appending a slash to the URL while redirecting to us, making the app crash.

Revert "UI updates to the partnerplatform"


This release reverts the release for "UI updates to the partnerplatform".

Added search functionality to the voucher GET route


This release makes sure that we have support in the API for searching for specific vouchers in a voucher group

Enable users to restart a stream from the dashboard


This release makes sure that users can restart an active stream themselves from within the Dashboard.

Bug on search page with limits


This release fixes the issue where the filtering limit, that can be set in the CMS, wouldn't take effect correctly on the livestream and video search results

Add indication to fields that are required


This release makes sure that different create/edit UI's has a clear indication on what fields are required when there is multiple languages activated

Never force links in the CMS to be lowercase


This release makes sure that links never get forced to be in lowercase to prevent problems with vouchers and affiliate links.

Add year and time to gift card table


This release makes sure we show both year and time of the gift cards in the table

Fixed channel search problems


This release fixes the issue where a search result for a channel would show the wrong href

Update the approval check related to QA


This update is only internal, and changes how PRs are approved based on QA reponse.

Fix an issue with navigation on the page


This update fixes an issue where navigation on the page sometimes broke the content feed and its content from showing up correctly.

Fallback to id if no param and no identifier param is set


This update improves the fallback for when platforms don't have the param identifier set, and defaults it to id.

Fixes for embed content and navigation issues



Fix an issue where loading livestreams and videos did not work


This update fixes an issue where some platforms had troubles loading livestreams and videos using query params instead of regular params.

Make the CMS preview function work again



Update validation for allowed screen names


This update allows _ and - in the screen name for mobile apps.

Upgrade dependencies in partnerplatform


This is a pretty big release "under the hood". It upgrades three things:

The GET condition lists route now only runs one query to get all items


Performance optimisation for the GET condition list routes, which makes it less heavy to run.

Add support for uploading 4K content through the API


This feature is behind a marketplace feature flag and is disabled be default on all platforms. Enabling this feature will make it possible to upload video assets with 4K resolution.

If a user pays for a package with a 100% voucher, affiliate is now tracked


Partnerplatform fix for correct tracking of affiliate when payment is done with a 100% off voucher

We should now be tracking affiliates if the users uses a 100% off voucher


Fixes a bug in the API where we didn't track affiliates if the user was using a 100% off voucher

Show validation tag even if cookies are not accepted


This update make sure we show the Facebook meta tag for site validation, even if cookies are not accepted since it is not required.

Add support for Facebook pixel validation


This update makes it possible to validate the platform with a facebook pixel site verification tag.

Dynamic prices for replays in Dashboard


Users can now edit their dynamic prices for a replay from within the Dashboard

Added support for dynamic prices for replays


This release enables the API to have support for dynamic prices for replays.

Update authentication and validation in restart stream route


This is the first step in making it possible to restart a stream from within the Dashboard.

Added new route for fetching fonts


This release adds a new route that fetches a platforms custom fonts and also fonts from Google Fonts.

Universal table component (dev only)


This is a dev-only feature. Will allow us to have a more unified look and feel of all the tables in the Dashboard.

Add option to hide search icon in platform Menu


This enables the platform to dynamically hide or show the search icon depending on the users choice

We don't explain roles until you add new users


This release makes sure we're explaining what each role does in an earlier stage

Upgrade mux player to enable volume controls on livestreams


This release fixes the issue where the volume controls sometimes disappeared on livestreams

Added "Check DNS" button to custom domains


This release adds a a "Check DNS"-button to our custom domains UI

Added PUT domain route


This release adds a new route in our API for updating custom domains

Fix bug regarding add/edit of a churn options


Fixes the issue when you press add or edit for a churn option you can see the modal opening for a split second before it seems to reload and the modal closes

CMS updates to platform menu


This release adds the ability to use drop down links in your platform header

Add support for drop down links in the platform menu


This release adds support for drop down links in the platform menu

Fix bug where the "Clear filters" button wasn't working as expected


This release fixes the bug where the "Clear filters" button inside the affiliate groups view in the Dashboard wouldn't work as expected

Added warning if voucher hasn't been submitted


This release makes sure to show a warning to users who entered a voucher code in the checkout but has not yet submitted the actual voucher

Make voucher table update after create delete


This release fixes the issue where the voucher table wouldn't update itself after creating/deleting a voucher inside the Dashboard.

Bugfix for the max redemptions input when creating vouchers


This prevents users from putting letters in the max redemptions input when creating vouchers

Add new UI for adding custom domain to a platform


This brings custom domains UI in to the Dashboard. Making it easy for users to set up custom domains by themself

API fixes for custom domains route in the API


This release makes the API ready to support managing custom domains with a UI in the Dashboard

Add background colors for apps


This update makes it possible to set a custom background color for the apps instead of just pure black.

Allow platform users to set a subscription voucher to have infinite duration


Add support in our API to set a voucher for a subscription to have infinite duration on cycles, instead of having to set an explicit amount.

Add "Applies to" column to gift card page


This release makes it easier to see what products the gift card is gives access to

Add website data page


Add new page under analytics for website data, which gives users an overview of how customers use your platform.

Add website data


This implements website data, which gives you access to see how customers use your platform

Added functionality to search for vouchers inside a voucher group


This release adds functionality to search for a specific voucher by its voucher code inside of a voucher group

Fix issue with exporting churn


This update fixes an issue with the export functionality for churned users.

Use upstash redis cache on fly preview deployments


This release adds better testing possibilities for the dev team

Fixed issue with statistics feed auth


This release fixes the issue where the role validation function wouldn't check the correct access on the statistics routes

Added private and days_valid when creating packages


Add support for setting a package as private in the API on package creation.

Allow 0 as live source


This update makes it possible to send in 0 as a string for live source value.

Allow live source to be null value


This fixes a bug where null was considered an actual live source.

Allow custom VAST urls for default channel campaigns


This update makes it possible to set default channel campaigns as a VAST url in the Dashboard.

Allow strings to default channel campaign


This update makes it possible to set VAST urls as default campaigns for channels.

Insert GTM meta tag using native JS instead of helmet


There was an issue with the validation of how we inserted the GTM site verification tag and how Helmet inserted the tag. This update should fix this issue by using native JS instead.

Update middleware to use Lambda instead of


This update is an update to how we create SEO tags behind the scenes.

Fixed bug regarding access level and livestream and video statistics


This release fixes the issue where we didn't make the correct access control checks on a channel basis when viewing statistics in the Dashboard

Platform creation bug fix


This release fixes the issue causing platform creation to crash on the confirm step

Disable warning for Plausible limit cap


This release fixes the issue where our create platform function got stuck in the create phase

Fix bug regarding unable to create/update dynamic pricing groups


This release fixes the issue where some users were unable to create dynamic pricing groups

Don't show vouchers a valid if group has validity dates


This release fixes the issue where vouchers inside a voucher group with a validity date that was invalid still would show up as valid in the table.

Fix for loading plausible


This update fixes an issue where Plausible did not load properly.

Fix error with deploying the fix for analytics



Fix an issue with analytics



Start collecting analytics


This marks the beginning of collecting analytics for platforms

Add tracking to dashboard


This update allows us to see how users use the dashboard and track what pages are most commonly used

Lay foundation for collecting pageviews and other analytics


This release starts the passive collection of pageviews and other interesting information

Add podcast feature to the marketplace


This update brings the Podcast feature to the Marketplace, for platforms to activate.

Marketplace feature for Podcasts


This update brings Podcasts or Audio only as a feature in the marketplace, instead of running it on all of our content.

Fixed variable being wrong in package update for private sales (#319)


This caused issues when updating packages to be private.

Fix issue when no product display groups found


This release makes sure that the dashboard works as expected when all product groups are removed

Throw an error and remove livestream if AI produces error


If we encounter an error with Spiideo scheduling, we now throw an error and remove the newly scheduled livestream from the database as well.

Give message if livestream duration is too long for AI


This update makes it so that if a livestream duration is more than 3.5 hours, we give a warning before selecting an AI camera since it is too long for us to schedule it inside of Spiideo.

Block user from scheduling AI camera if name is incompatible


This update makes it so that you can not schedule a game using the AI cameras if the name of the livestream is not compatible with figuring out the teams that are playing.

Use authentication when fetching for videos


With this update, we will now use authentication when fetching for videos, to make sure we display private videos in various places where you select videos.

Change up discount validation to block more beforehand


This update aims to make it impossible to create overlapping discounts by mixing flat and percentage discounts.

Stops users from adding an already existing country to a pricing group


This update stops users from adding a country to a pricing group that is already added.

Restrict from adding live source from unrelated channel or platform


This update restricts users from adding a live source to a livestream that is not in any way related to the channel or platform.

Affiliate options now show up as expected when not logged in buying a package


This update addresses a bug that prevented the affiliate options from appearing in the checkout for users who were not signed in.

Stop livestream from being submitted multiple times


This update stops the user from submitting the livestream form multiple times when the livestream is being created.

Dashboard users can now set a zero in the dynamic price input


You can now have a default price but make it free for a specific group, which was something that you couldn't do before.

Fallback to say that data comes from an unknown source


If we can not figure out where the livestream live score data comes from, we now fallback to say that it comes from an unknown source.

Use new livescore api returned from the API


This update just changes how we construct the URLs for the live score API, to instead of constructing them in the frontend, use the URLs returned from the API.

Add live score for copied livestreams


This update makes it so that copied livestreams also gets the live score URLs returned.

Bug fix for score data


This update slightly changes the returned URLs for score data.

Add live score information to livestreams


This update makes it possible to retrieve routes that in turn returns live score data when fetching a livestream.

Small UI fixes to the sidebar.


This release corrects the buttons at the bottom of the sidebar to be more concise in terms of look and feel

Hard to read churn table on smaller screens


This release fixes the issue where it would be hard to see the churn table on smaller screens

Fix bug with weekdays toggle inside tableau widget


This release fixes the issue where the toggle for "Show weekdays" was not functioning correctly

Clear cache when updating live schedule


This update makes sure we clear the cache when we update a live schedule.

Don't set private based on provided replay information


This update makes sure we use the same private settings as we have for the livestream for the replay as well.

Fix issue with setting default vast


This update fixes another issue with setting default vast for videos.

Fix issue with too many waves in the URL



Make it possible to set default vast


This update makes it possible to set a default vast for all video content through the VideoPage component.

Add game category to Profixio data


This update adds a new element which shows the game category, if present in the Profixio data in the livestream overview.

Fix an error parsing some old legacy embeds



Content feed drops previous streams when fetching more - "Show all"


This update fixes an issue where the "Show more" button in content feeds cleared the previous livestreams for some types of content feeds.

Show live score even for disabled games


This update makes it so that we still show the live score for games with a sync disabled.

Minor change to how score is shown


This update changes a small on how the score is shown

Add live score data to the Dashboard


This is an exciting one. This release adds some live score data from Profixio into the Dashboard and overview of a livestream, if the livestream has been made using the live scheduler from Profixio.

Add translations to breadcrumbs


This update adds translations to the bread crumbs in the Dashboard.

Affilaite groups - Fix for edit save button


Move the save button into the left column on the edit page

Fix issue with scheduling livestreams with AI cameras


This update fixes an issue where some users experienced issues when scheduling livestreams with an AI camera.

Update Spiideo label


Updates to the spiideo label

Minor layout fix for livestream table


This update fixes a minor issue where the camera name sometimes took up more space than it should.

Don't try to delete ai cameras if none found


This update makes sure we don't try to delete AI cameras if there is none to begin with.

Allow more users to list marketplace features


This update allows more users to list all marketplace features from the API.

Fix issue with live source in live scheduler


This update fixes an issue where the live source did not properly populate the dropdown.

Fix bug regarding some affiliates and account page



Fixed swish payments for affiliate groups


Issues with Swish payments and affiliate groups should now be fixed

Fix bug regarding affiliates and swish payments



Search both groups when showing live source


This update fixes a bug where the dropdown was not properly predefined for live sources.

Allow setting live source when camera integration is not implemented


This update fixes a bug where your live source could be removed if you had a camera integration enabled.

Fix the broken preview link in the CMS



Update links to products with Affiliate groups


This update fixes an issue where the domain to the products for affiliate groups where not properly formatted.

Update domain to be properly formatted


This update changes the returned domain for listing platforms in your account.

Fix some messages for Affiliate groups



Bugfixes for Affiliate Groups



Release Affiliate groups for Dashboard


Users can now use Affiliate groups in the Dashboard under the Marketing section

Release Affiliate groups for Partner


Users can now update their affiliate groups selections under account settings (if available)

Removes some dev output


This update cleans up some dev output that was sent to the logs in the browser.

Update tooltip for livesources


This update fixes an issue where the tooltip went flying in the live sources page. The eagle has now landed.

Make the AI button blend in more


This updates the AI helpdesk button, to blend in a bit more with the other components.

Allow for setting AI cameras as input


This update makes it possible to set AI cameras as the source for a livestream in the Dashboard

Allow for setting AI cameras as input for livestream


This update makes it possible to set AI cameras from Spiideo in the API for livestreams.

Change condition when inserting affiliates



Affiliate Groups API release


Affiliate groups attempt #2 without bugs.

Revert Affiliate groups in the API



Make it possible to post a url when creating a video


This update makes it possible to post a url to a video file when creating a video through the api, instead of having to send the entire video file.

Update Mux Player to latest version, disable CMCD


Update mux-player-react to latest version

Upgrade video player to latest version


This release updates our video player in the platform to the latest version. Includes minor UI changes to the player, such as animations.

More styling options for the Channel page editor in the CMS


This release brings the ability to change styling of inner text container on the channel page component

Pick correct fallback content id for widgets


This release fixes the issue where some fallback content types picked the content id from their parent instead of its own

Revert Upgrading Mux Player


This update reverts the upgrade of the Mux Player

Users can now chose to force a language for a widget


This release enables users to select any language from their activated languages to use as the only language on their widget. This enables users who want to force their widget to a specific language.

Fix a bug with messages


This update fixes a bug where the messages file was incorrectly formatted

Add AI chatbot page


This update adds a new AI chatbot for platform owners, to make it possible to ask questions about our platform. The answers are based off of our Crisp documentation.

Update video player to latest version


This update brings the latest video player to all video elements in the Dashboard.

RTMP is sticky to the screen for relay destination


This update fixes an issue where the RTMP label would follow when you scrolled.

Text get squished in the table for relay destinations


This update brings in some UI bug fixes for the relay destinations page

Display the "max_stored_resolution" in the Dashboard


With this update, we will show the quality of the downloadable video in the Dashboard.

Make "Add relay destination" select searchable



Fix bug where live sources overview showed the incorrect value


This update fixes a bug where live sources was reported in bytes, not kbps.

Discarding draft pages bug in the CMS


This release corrects the issue in the CMS where some pages was shown as a draft, but users were unable to discard it

Performance optimization to the platform


This release includes multiple performance benefits to the platform. We're now loading in some CSS async and preload them which makes the page faster to load. It also removes some unused link-tags in the <head>

Minor updates to live sources table


This update makes it more obvious for when you don't have any live sources in your platform to show.

Minor bug fix to the pagination


This update brings in a minor bug fix to the pagination.

Add proper pagination to live sources


This updates brings in pagination to the new live sources page.

Add exception for admins when fetching live sources


This update makes it possible for admins to fetch all live sources on a platform.

Tableau widget can now show both with and without weekdays


This release adds the functionality for the tableau widget to show the date labels both with and without weekdays

Add global live sources to the Dashboard


This update makes it possible to work with the new global live sources in the Dashboard as well.

Add global live sources (#350)


This update makes it possible to create global live sources to be used by the entire platform.

Updates to widget page to fetch content correctly



Updates to Expressen GTM


This update brings some final updates to the GTM.

Vouchers validity dates improvements


This release includes improved settings for timestamps on vouchers & voucher groups. It's now possible to select the accurate time and not only a specific date when creating/editing a voucher or voucher group.

Easier way to locate an ID of a channel


This release adds an easier way for users to show the id of a channel in the channel list overview

Add a min width of 100% if the app is embedded


This update adds a min width of the platform if the platform is embedded, which targets a specific bug where the widgets sometimes overflowed their fixed width.

User can create and edit widgets from the dashboard


This release enables platform admins and owners to create and edit widgets for their website. This first release includes one widget type, which is the tableau widget. This widget can be used to showcase your upcoming livestreams on a different location.

New routes for platform widgets


This release adds new routes in the API for fetching widget settings for a platform

Added widget page to all platforms


Adds a new static route to each platform that can render widgets

Update to BonnierGTM


This release updates some of the values in the Bonnier GTM.

Make it possible to filter even more in thumbnail generator


This update brings you the option to filter between livestreams in the thumbnail generator even more, making it possible to select livestream with a thumbnail, as well as multiple channels.

Remove countries analytics from the sidebar in Dashboard


This release temporarily removes the countries section of the analytics due to working incorrectly. This will be fixed later on when we start to work on the analytics overhaul.

Add auth to /voucher-groups/vouchers and /voucher-groups


This adds proper auth to the voucher groups endpoints

Update Bonnier GTM values


This update fixes some issues in the GTM for Expressen where some values where not populated correctly.

Design updates to footer and header


Added X instead of Twitter and redesigned Facebook and X share button

Fixes a bug where live sources could restrict you from updating


This update fixes an issue where if you had a live source active, it might restrict you from updating a livestream.

Added channel splitting and replay information to live scheduler


This update makes it possible to split imports to different channels when making an import through the Dashboard.

Add fields to the live scheduler


This update adds some new fields to the live scheduler, making it possible to send in different channels that you want to import to through the API.

Add binding time if expired


If a subscription has got binding time, this makes sure the binding time is correct for the new period as well.

Changed order of content feeds on channel page



Ability to add tags to a channel and more..

  • Make it possible for users that are eligible to create/edit channels to add tags to them.

Updates to channel page component


This release makes it possible for the channel page component to display content feeds with content that match the tags associated with the channel.

Add support for tags on channels


This release adds support for adding/removing/deleting tags on channels in the API.

Platform relation validation does not provide proper scope


This update fixes an issue where the scope of the platform relation auth did not provide the proper scope.

Support removal of dynamic pricing on content


If a user no longer wants to use a dynamic price for a specific entity, they can unset it and that pricing will no longer show up for users. If they regret it, they can set it again as expected.

Allows for removal of dynamic pricing in the API


This is the first release in order to make removal of a dynamic price functioning correctly in the API

Fix bug setting teams when clicking filters in thumbnail generator


This update fixes a bug in the thumbnail generator where if you used the button to select all without a thumbnail, the next step with selecting teams would fail.

Enable users to reactivate their cancelled subscription


This release brings the ability to undo a cancelled subscription directly from account settings on the platform.

New subscription reactivate route


This release adds a new route for reactivating a cancelled subscription through the API.

Add rounded to the safelist


This update adds all of the variants of the class rounded to the platform.

Fix assets manager from returning the wrong input


This update fixes an issue where you could get the wrong image on the wrong selected element when there were multiple assets managers in play on the same page.

Show the WelcomeBox to all users, but hide sections of it


This update shows the welcome box in the Dashboard for all users, but hides some buttons inside of it that are not relevant to some users.

Enable users to publish all drafts at once


With this release the ability to publish all your current drafts in the CMS at once becomes available

Minor layout fixes for the mobile CMS


This update fixes some minor layout issues in the mobile cms.

Conditionally show manage app


Show the app link in the Dashboard if the user is eligible to update the app settings.

Add missing message


This update adds a missing message for the mobile CMS.

Add publish screen button to app cms


This makes it possible to publish a screen in the mobile app CMS.

Add specific GTM for Bonnier


This update adds a specific GTM component for Bonnier.

Make it possible to add names to livestream template


This update makes it possible to set custom team names in the live scheduler in the Dashboard.

Bug fix regarding translations in custom churn options



Allow team names into live scheduler routes


This update allows you to send in optional custom team names into the API

Statistician now has correct access roles


Users with the role "statistician" on platform level had earlier access to edit both price and details of subscriptions in the dashboard. With this fix this is corrected.

Rewritten the creation of tags and updating tags on videos and streams


With this release comes a rewritten version of an old implementation - tags. No new functionality regarding tags is added, but a few bug fixes that should improve the stability of the function.

Updating a livestream or video and changing channel and categories


Before this release you weren't able to change channel and categories at the same time when updating a livestream or video. This is now fixed.

Fix for storing voucher redemptions


This update fixes a bug where purchase with a voucher made through Swish was not recorded properly.

Delete workflows for ECR


Deletes unused actions that earlier was run to rebuild our application when we pushed out something to production.

Cache problem when creating new churn options


Fixes the bug where the cache wasn't cleared after creating a new churn option.

Added fix for chapters not working within the video player


This release fixes the bug where the player would crash if there was any chapters added to a video

Platform switch problem


This release makes sure that users can have multiple browser tabs open with the dashboard and not loose context regarding what platform is chosen in each tab.

Add year to upload date in content feed component


This release enables users to toggle whether or not a content feed component should show what year a specific content was first published

Add functionality for hard deleting vouchers


This release makes it possible for users to delete vouchers that has not been used

Streamline fetching teams and tournaments


This simplifies how we fetch teams and tournaments in the live scheduler.

Added support for multiple tokens in Profixio marketplace integration


Users can now add multiple Profixio tokens to the same platform

Added support for multiple Profixio tokens


This release makes sure that the API is ready to support multiple tokens from the Profixio marketplace integration

Don't show livestreams that has ended in search


This update removes livestreams from search that has ended.

Add option to toggle to actual livestream transcoded version


This update makes it possible to switch the preview player in the Dashboard to the transcoded version of the livestream, giving you the exact version of the livestream that your viewers are seeing instead of the RTMP preview.

Always show cycles for voucher discounts


Voucher groups - This fixes an issue where cycles were not always shown in the table for discounts

Bug fix regarding voucher discounts


This release fixes the issue where users were not allowed to add a discount for another product of the same type.

Fix translation issues


This update fixes a couple of translations issues that resulted in broken translations.

Updates/improvements to the video player


This update brings the quality selector back to the video player. It also fixes the issue where users were unable to scroll back in time on a livestream and continue to watch at the desired time

Add subscribers only to live scheduler


This update allows the subscribers only flag when creating and updating live scheduler imports.

Update swish to get certificates from environment


This update makes it possible to fetch the Swish certificate from our environment

Show correct amount of redeemed vouchers


This release will solve the bug where users wouldn't see the correct amount of redeemed vouchers on the overview page

Improve handling zero-decimal currencies


This release makes sure we're handling zero-decimal currencies correctly

Fix error message when creating a package


This fixes an error message that was received when creating a package in the dashboard

Bug fixes for the live scheduler


This update fixes the issue where you the team selector would not remove the "All teams" if you clicked on a specific team. It also adds the option for subscribers only.

Bug fix for "publish all drafts"-route


The route for publishing all current drafts were not working. This release fixes the issue.

Import banner always shows


This update fixes a bug where the import banner for a livestream was always shown, even if the livestream was not from an import.

Fix bug where newly uploaded assets failed


This update fixes an issue where newly uploaded in the assets manager were not usable in the thumbnail generator.

Make sure livestream contains the delimiter


This update makes sure that the delimiter needed to generate thumbnails is present in the livestream name.

Add some filters to thumbnail generator


Make it possible to select to generate thumbnails for all livestreams that does not already have a thumbnail set.

Thumbnail generator mixing teams


Try to fix issue where thumbnail generator mixes the teams selectable.

Generate multiple thumbnails


A new tool in the Marketplace, making it possible to generate thumbnails for multiple livestreams at once.

Fix issues with cache and rate limits


This update fixes an issue where caching was hiding the correct value for the amount of imported games. We will also try/catch the Mux call when creating livestreams from now on.

Fix for live scheduler


This fixes a bug with fetching tournaments for the live scheduler

"Watch content"-role to bypass GEO block.


This release makes sure that users with "Watch content"-role can bypass GEO blocks set up on any content.

Marketplace feature and Scheduler integration


This update adds the Marketplace and the scheduler integration into the Dashboard.

Add proper environment variables for scheduler


This adds the proper URLs for the scheduler API.

Add routes for the scheduler functionality


This update brings in functionality into the API that makes it possible to schedule games through a 3rd party source, like Profixio.

Fallback for domains on "Go to platform"-button


This release makes sure that our .io and .se domains for the Dashboard leads to the correct platform domain

Bugfix for giftcards


This release fixes the issue where users weren't able to create giftcards

Bugfix for creating giftcards


This release fixes the bug in the API where users couldn't create giftcards for certain languages

Support for publishing all drafts at once for a platform


This release adds support in our API for publishing all current drafts for a platform at once.

Users sees deleted packages as active under the account site


This will fix the issue of packages showing up as "active" for users, despite being deleted. The bought package can still be found under receipts.

Remove duplicates in collection categories


This release makes sure the API is not returning a category twice if the category belongs to a channel that belongs to multiple collections on the platform

Bugfix for czech locale


This fixes and issue with locale for users with Czech default language

Validity dates bug on voucher groups and vouchers


This release fixes the bug where users were not able to clear a validity date on voucher groups and vouchers

Possibility to show what year content was published at


This release adds support for showing what year a content was published at, not only day and month.

Enable special characters when redeeming vouchers


This release makes it possible to use special characters in voucher codes, enabling platform admins to create vouchers like 50%

UI fixes on the subscription page


Prevent users with incorrect platform access to see the edit buttons when viewing details of a subscription

Updated messages for some email templates


This release updates the default messages for some email templates make it more clear on when each template is used.

Validation when creating package


This release makes sure that we have the correct validation on the length of the package name when creating a new one

Users can now add GEO list to package/subscriptions


This release enables users to connect GEO lists to packages and subscriptions directly from the Dashboard

Ability to connect GEO lists to subscription and packages through the API


This release comes with a new route for fetching all the GEO lists connected to a platform. It also makes sure that we're accepting GEO lists to be passed in when creating/updating packages and subscriptions.

UI fixes in general settings


Makes sure that the drop downs in the CMS of general settings isn't overlapping

API - Encode voucher code


Make sure that the voucher code is encoded to support vouchers with special characters in it

UI fixes for Information section


This release makes sure users are able to add custom styles to the inner container of the Information section component

Bugfix - package edit page


This release hopefully fixes the issue where users couldn't update a package if there was no livestreams uploaded on the platform

Only add videos and livestreams if their present


This release fixes the issue where the list of livestreams and videos would crash if no content was added to a package

Bugfix - cannot edit certain packages


This release fixes the issue where users were unable to edit certain packages

Platform owners cant update packages


This release fixes the issue where platform owners couldn't update package information correctly

Bugfix for "out for sale"-property on package


This release fixes the issue where the "Out for sale"-property when editing a package didn't work properly

Users can now translate products in the Dashboard


This release makes it possible for users to translate product name and description directly from within the Dashboard. Users will be able to translate products to whatever language they have activated on their platform

Show which product/content a voucher was redeemed on


With this release comes the ability to show the name of the content that a voucher has been redeemed on

Add support for TikTok and youtube in the header


This release enables platforms to show a TikTok and YouTube icon in their header menu.

Bug fix regarding churn settings


This release makes sure we're redirecting the users correctly from the churn overview page

Vouchers - UI fix on number of redemptions


This fix makes sure to hide max redemptions when the difference is too big

Make it possible to insert images into Text area


This update brings back the functionality to add an image into translatable texts, where it makes sense.

Get screenshots from new service


This updates uses an internal lambda to retrieve screenshots for the CMS instead of an external 3rd party

Add route for looking up external chapters


This release adds the ability to lookup when in a video something occured through the API, either by an offset or with a datetime.

Add churn analysis fixes


This update adds some final fixes to the churn analysis parts in the partner platform.

Update messages to reflect POEditor



Churn options in the Dashboard


This release introduces a new feature that allows you to update the churn options for your platform. This lets you define your own options that the user can choose from when unsubscribing to one of your subscriptions.

Churn option routes


This release adds the routes for managing the options your users can choose when cancelling a subscription

Add exporting cancellations


This update makes it possible to export cancellations from the Churn analysis.

Add export button to vouchers page


You can now export all of your vouchers in a vouchers group as a csv

Make it possible to generate a single thumbnail for livestreams


This update makes it possible to generate a thumbnail from assets in the assets manager when creating or editing a livestream.

Wrong info in instructions for setting up newsfeed


This update fixes an issue where the information was wrong for how to set up a newsfeed in the CMS.

Added a new y axis with FPS data


This update adds a new axis for the FPS in the livestream health overview

Update messages for Exclusive offer


Updates some messages that still said Discount group instead of Exclusive offer.

Introduce directories to assets manager


This release makes it possible to upload assets to a folder.

Rounded corners on tables in dashboard (#236)


This update adds rounded corners for all tables in the dashboard, providing a more coherent design.

Thumbnail issue on copy of streams


This update fixes an issue where if you would set a specific thumbnail for your copied livestream, it would not be used.

Fix roles for statistics


This update fixes an issue where some roles did not get the proper validation when accessing analytics

Fix bug where you could not create subscriptions without having subscriptions


This update fixes a bug where you could not create a subscription if you did not already have an existing one.

Update routes used to fetch subscriptions


This release updates the routes used to fetch subscription analytics.

Update subscription stats route to follow platform routes


This update fixes a bug where the subscriptions and its correlating auth were not always accepted even though you had the correct roles set up for it.

Use platform transaction if currency is not in SEK


This updates the values sent into the Sales overview

Add new configuration variables for mobile apps


This update returns more configuration variables for our internal workflow when building mobile apps.

Added Finnish as a selectable language


Users can now choose to have Finnish as a website language from within the Dashboard

Platform owners cant edit packages


This release fixes the issue where a platform owner were unable to update a package

Churn improvements

  • Add filtering out responses without feedback

Minor fixes related to Churn



Add export route for a voucher group


This adds an export route in the API for voucher groups. Making it possible to export data about a voucher group in a CSV file

Show ISO codes when selecting currency


This release adds the ISO codes of the currencies to the dropdown in the dashboard

Bug fix regarding voucher creation


This release makes sure that users can choose "All livestreams" and "All videos" even if it dosen't exist any videos or streams at the time of creation

Fix cache issue for invalidating churn analytics


This update fixes an issue where the cache for the churn analytics was not invalidated properly.

Bug fix regarding Churn answers


This release fixes a bug where the count of the churn answers returned a larger number of results than expected

Fix issue with CMS not rendering


This update fixes a bug where the CMS would turn blank when editing a component.

Bugfix for churn analysis


This update brings some bug fixes for the churn analysis page.

Churn analysis


This release brings the new Churn analysis page into the Dashboard, giving you insights to why your users churn.

Bug fix when saving packages


This release fixes the issue where some users would have issues when editing a package

Churn questions when unsubscribing


Added optional churn questions for users when unsubscribing from their subscriptions

Churn support for the API


Add churn support for the API, making it possible to analyze when and why users' unsubscribe from your platform.

Enable translation for products in the API


This release adds support for translating products through the API.

Fix issue with Swish payment requests


This update fixes an issue where Swish payment requests sometimes showed the incorrect amount.

Allow uppercase characters in Box navigation links


This release makes it possible to use uppercase characters on links in the Box navigation section in the CMS

Fix for unique users in total showing incorrect data in analytics


This update fixes an issue where the unique users for both livestreams and VOD sometimes showed incorrect data in the analytics tab.

Platform owner can now delete unaccepted invites


This release fixes the issue where platform owners were unable to delete invited users that hadn't accept the invite yet

Improvements when creating a discount


This release brings some improvements to the UI were users create discounts. Better visual guidance regarding what's mandatory fields etc.

Bugfix - Video/livestream page crash when custom text not set


This release fixes the bug where a livestream and video page would crash if the custom text for action buttons wasn't set.

Show correct count on the vouchers page


This release fixes the issue where the count of total vouchers and amount of vouchers redemed would only count the amount of vouchers on the current page

Show correct error message when creating a channel with a existing path


This release will make sure that dashboard users get a correct error message when trying to create a channel with a path that already exists

Bug fix when updating a collection


This release fixes the issue where you would get a error message despite the update being successful

Subscriptions & packages should now show correctly in the dashboard


Subscriptions & packages should now be shown to higher access level users despite the user being in a blacklisted/non-whitelisted country

Bug fix on GET collection category


Now returns correct status code when erroring out and has a correct groupBy

API support for new email template


This adds support in the API for the new email template: "Invite user to watch content"

Invite non-moderating user is now a new email template


This release brings a new email template to the Dashboard: invite non-moderating user

FAST channels - Fix for updating playlist items


This release will fix the issue where a FAST channel wouldn't update its playlist items correctly

"Delete account"-button now properly shows the correct text


This release fixes the issue where the "Delete account"-button text was missing

Fix for broken search page


This release fixes the issue with the newly implemented search page

Add max redemptions and total redemptions to vouchers route


This release makes sure the /vouchers route in the API will return the total amount of redemptions and total amount of max redemptions

Rename "Discount groups" to "Exclusive offers"


This release will change the section of the dashboard that's today called "Discount groups" to "Exclusive offers" to make it a bit more self explanatory

Add support for hard deleting vouchers


This release adds an optional query parameter called hardDelete that makes users of the API endpoint able to hard delete a voucher that has not been used yet.

Fix for custom billing interval on a subscription


This release fixes the issue where users were unable to update a subscription with a custom billing interval set.

Manually invalidate cache when updating a price group


Fix for problems occurring when a country is moved from one price group to another.

Don't show duplicate packages


This release fixes the issue where a package would show up twice on the website

Fix issue with fetching carousel content


This update fixes a bug introduced with the FAST release with carousels not fetching content, and also re-introduces the FAST integration.

Invalidate cache when updating a FAST channel


Fixes the issue where a FAST channel wouldn't update correctly

FAST channel support in the partnerplatform


This release makes it possible for your platform users to watch content from a FAST channel on the platform

FAST Channel support in the Dashboard


This release makes it possible for dashboard users to create and manage their FAST channels from within the Dashboard. This is an opt in feature on a platform level.

FAST channels support in the API


This release adds support for managing FAST channels in the API.

Remove ended livestreams from search results


This release makes sure we're not showing ended livestreams in the search results on the search page. These livestreams will instead show up as videos.

Add more styling classes to tailwind safelist


This release adds more tailwind classes that's now available to choose from within the CMS.

Update Marketplace routes to work with uid instead of id


This update changes the parameter for the url for marketplace routes to use uid instead of id.

Allow platform owners to fetch payment data in the Dashboard


This update makes it possible for a group of platforms to generate invoice basis in the Dashboard.

Add updated_at to routes listing videos


This update adds the updated_at property to routes listing videos.

Teams page does not show errors when altering users


This update fixes an issue where you would not receive an error in case something went wrong when adding a user to your platform team.

Fix for adding a duplicate user to a channel/collection/platform


This update fixes an issue where you would not get an error when adding a user with an already existing role to a channel/collection/platform.

Fix for customer statistics only returning one channel


This update fixes an issue where the customer analytics only returned data for one channel and not all of the selected ones.

Remove translations for inactive languages


This fix makes sure that the different platform sections dosen't render any translations for deactivated languages

Update builder base


Some housekeeping to update the builder version for our release builds

Product Display - card description styling


Users can now edit the card description styling from within the CMS

Product Display - ability to style the description text


This release makes it possible to style the description text in a product display section

Improvements when updating packages as a platform owner


This fixes the issue where platform owners was unable to update packages

API - Search route improvements


If there are dates passed in to the search route we make sure to convert them to actual Dates objects.

New CMS components! - Article feed and article page (newsfeed)


This release adds support for adding two new components from within the CMS. It's Article feed, which is the component that shows different news feeds somewhere on the website. The second one is Article page, the component that shows an individual article.

Fix to trigger tag manager properly


This update fixes an issue where the tag managers included was not triggered properly for certain purchases.

Users can now create/update/delete product display groups(checkouts) from the dashboard


With this release we're enabling users to create/update/delete product display groups (formerly known as checkouts) directly from the Dashboard

Added gift cards to checkouts route


Makes it possible to add gift cards to checkouts

When trying to invite users to access on channel level you get stuck


This release fixes the issue with the loading indicator never stopped when trying to invite a new user to a channel

Fix issue with user not being able to invite other users


This release fixes error when user has admin access on a channel and tries to invite a new user

Fix wrong messages that were shown when deleting a gift card


This release fixes the issue where a wrong message was shown in the delete modal when trying to delete a gift card

Users can now add a custom text to the "Sign in to your account"-button


This release enables users to add a custom text on a video and the "Sign in to your account"-button.

The "Sign in to your account"-button can now be customized


This release adds support for the website to show a custom text on the "Sign in to your account"-button

Improvement on the batch job that runs the subscription price change


Half the amount of messages that's being sent to the AWS SQS Service.

Show more informative error message when failing to upload asset


This fix adds more informative error messages when failing to upload an asset from within the CMS

Show default translations or the first available one if custom buttons haven't been translated


This fixes the problem where the login text on buttons for the livestream and video page would disappear without touching the custom button texts

Add VAT to swish receipts


This update adds VAT to the swish receipts

Update mobile configurations


This update adds some new fields for our mobile app configuration routes.

Added stream id to search


This update adds the id parameter to livestream search results

Don't return private subscriptions


This update removes private subscriptions from the livestream page and video page by not returning them from the API.

Issue with chapters not showing up


This update fixes an issue where the chapters did not show up in the player for some videos

Update applying of cmcd policy


This updates removes the cmcd headers applied to some older videos, to fix playback of those videos

Fix for creating/updating checkouts through the API


Fixes the issue where you couldn't create/update a checkout without adding products to it

Add health check when trying to delete your account


This release adds some health checks before deleting your account.

The "Add new section"-modal UI improvements


Fixes some styling issues with the "add new section"-modal in the CMS

Fix issue with user_id not being populated correctly


This update fixes an issue with the user id not being reported properly

Fix issue where you sometimes could not invite users


This update fixes an issue where the invite to a channel sometimes failed

Fix error with adding users to an empty channel


This update fixes an error where you were not able to add a user to an empty channel.

Voucher engine - Discount with packages bug


Fixes the bug where packages wasn't showing up despite being present

Users can now add condition lists without any products


This release enables users to create and update a condition list without having any products specified in it.

Fix for editing and creating channels


This update fixes an error that caused the edit and create channel page not to work.

Small update to Mux metadata


This is a minor update to how we report statistics back to Mux with Mux data.

Add no content available message when creating discounts


This release fixes the issue where no fallback message was returned if no content was available for a particular content type when adding products to a discount group

Upgrade mux player and fix background play


This release fixes a few issues with the player controls staying on top on some browsers, as well as fixing some issues related to ads no playing when expected.

Add a visual indicator for required fields in replay category form


Small UI improvement that shows a visual indicator in the replay category form for the required fields

Fix an issue with Assets manager sometimes breaking the page


This update includes a fix where the assets manager would break the page in some cases.

Remove fixed with of vertical content feed selector


This release makes it possible to show the full width of the vertical content feed selector

Add new price only if default price updates


This release fixes the issues where a price change on an old subscriptions wasn't working correctly

Add support for videos in assets manager


This release makes it possible to upload video files in mp4 format in the assets manager in the dashboard.

Breadcrumbs for video categories


The order of the breadcrumbs on the video categories page in the dashboard is now correct.

Update links on the people overview page


We still had some links to an old administration page of users on the people overview page. This release adds links to the new routes

The API now supports mp4 files


This release makes it possible to add an mp4 asset to the /assets route

Post slack message when feature request is added


To make it easier to follow up on a feature request that was added through the Dashboard - we're now posing a slack message tp the #feature-requests channel with the information

UI improvements regarding feature request section - Dashboard


Added correct focus colors to the textareas in the feature request section

Support for custom button texts in video page and livestream page


This release adds functionality to add a custom button text on the video and livestream page through their CMS editors.

Add check when deleting account with active subscriptions


With this release we're taking care of the problem where users were able to delete their account while their was active subscriptions on other platforms

Edit package visual improvement


This release fixes the issue where some elements would "pop" over other elements in the UI, making it hard to navigate in the edit package mode.

Bugfix - Pagination on a vertical content feed


This release fixes the issue where the pagination on a vertical content feed with video tags wasn't working correctly.

Add options to override button texts on video and livestream page


This is the first step in enabling users to add a custom text to action buttons on the livestream and video page

API - Bugfix regarding livestream categories


This fixes the issue where parent categories was not being handled correctly when fetching livestream categories

CMS - Add better styling options in the Carousel component


This release adds functionality to add styling on the wrapper that's holding the button(s) inside a carousel slide.

Make it possible to set a default campaign for a channel


This wraps up the functionality for setting a default campaign for a channel by making it possible to set in the Dashboard.

Allow to set a default campaign for a channel


This release makes it possible to set a default campaign for a channel to be used across all livestreams and videos.

API - Bugfix regarding gift card codes


This release fixes the issue where gift card codes sometimes were missing in the sent out email

New release - Dynamic pricing (dashboard)


With this release we're releasing a brand new feature called dynamic pricing.

New feature - Dynamic pricing (API)


This is the official release of dynamic pricing. More details will come in next post.

Platform - Dynamic set 12 hour clock


This release adds functionality to show a 12 hour clock if the user is located in a country where they use 12 hour clock instead of 24 hour clock.

Update embed to show countdown if the live stream hasnt started


This update adds a countdown to the embedded live streams to be shown before the live stream starts.

CMS - Channel page bugfix


This release fixes the issue where the platform domain was displaying incorrect values when previewing the "Page settings"

API - Bugfix regarding clashing discounts


This fix allows for different currencies, but same regions

API - Bugfix for channels starting with a number


This release fixes the issue where an incorrect channel being returned when channel starts with a number

API - Voucher engine overlapping discounts


This release fixes a bug where discouts in a voucher group wasn't correctly calculating the limitations that can be set

Fix check for voucher group validity end


This update fixes an issue where voucher group validity end was not handled properly.

Show subscription status and option to retry payment


This update makes it possible to retry the subscription payment if your subscription is past due, and also shows the overall status of the subscription

Return latest invoice if payment is past due


This update returns the latest invoice back if the subscription is past_due

Update download links to return proper quality


This update fixes an issue where the download links for videos returned could be too low.

Use Stripe to determine available payment options


This update changes the behaviour of the checkout to allow payment methods configured by Stripe instead.

Redemption modal for voucher groups crashes if user email is not defined


This update fixes an issue where if the email was not set for a specific user, the page would crash.

API - Insert dynamic price id to subscription receipt


This release will add a reference to the correct dynamic price id when users purchase a subscription with a dynamic price

Fix issue with opening boxes in CMS


This update fixes an issue where multiple components would show its editor

Add a base for mobile CMS


This update adds the base for the mobile cms

Add mobile app configs route to the API for the build scripts


This update makes it possible to fetch the build scripts configuration for the mobile app through an API route

Add cms routes for mobile


This update adds some routes related to fetching mobile screens and commons

Fix error where channel users could not fetch default currency


This update fixes an issue where channel users could not fetch the default currency

Fix a bug where transactions related to a platform was not caught


This fixes a bug where analytics for PPVs were not tracked properly.

Fix bug where platformCurrency was not received for channels without a platform


This update fixes an issue where the forms for creating a broadcast or video would crash if you failed to retrieve a default currency

Platform - ArticlePage can now show preview data from within the CMS


This is the first step in enabling users to edit the article page from within the CMS in the Dashboard

Dashboard - voucher redemptions list UI improvements


The modal with users that has redeemed a voucher is now searchable and scrollable

UI Improvements regarding team members modal


The modal when adding team members is now larger to ensure everything looks OK.

Dashboard - Added support for adding price with dots


This release fixes the issue where you could not enter a price with dots when creating/updating content

Add fix for videos not loading


This update fixes an issue where videos were not loading properly.

Add fix for storing invoices


This update adds a fix where storing subscription invoices failed for some purchases.

New feature - Currency and price by country


This release enables our users to sell their content in different currencies depending on where the end user is located. It also adds a lot of new currencies that is selectable when setting up your content

API - Add support for currency and price by country


This release is the first step in to enabling our users to price their content differently depending on the location of the user.

Bugfix - default currency and dynamic pricing


This bug fix fixes the issue which occurred when you were trying to update default currency or enable/disable dynamic pricing

Dynamic Pricing Groups


This update adds the dynamic pricing groups and default currency page to the Dashboard.

Fix for missing cards in subscription, now properly returns the subscriptions


This update fixes the issue where subscription could be missing if they were past due, as well as missing if the card was removed from the customer. Also, this fixes so that all subscriptions are shown on the generic Staylive Accounts page.

Platform - Multiple currencies for users


This release enables users to buy content in different currencies on the same account

Add cache to all assets and fix async/await for it


This update adds an additional cache to all of the asset links to reduce the load as well as improve the response times.

API - voucher code fix


Small improvement in how the voucher engine is generating batch codes

API - bugfixes regarding vouchers


This release fixes the issue where users not logged in couldn't get information about how much discount a voucher would give them

Add platform links for embedded content


This update makes it so that the links to embed content is updated to be direct links to the platform instead of a generic embed link.

Remove title from Player


This update removes the title element from the player, and thereby removes the hovering effect with a tooltip showing up during playback if your mouse hovers over the player.

Reordering sections in cms don't reflect on preview


This update fixes an issue where if you would reorder the sections in the cms, the preview did not reflect the update

Update heartbeats to be queued for insertion


This update sets all of the statistics being stored into a queue, to reduce the stress bursts gives.

Partnerplatform - Bugfix regarding carousel swipe functionality


This release fixes the issue where a click in the carousel sometimes would make the carousel swipe to the next slide.

Hide relay when not owner


This update hides the relay session counter for users not able to modify the relay sessions.

Customer statistics returning error


This update fixes an issue where fetching for customer analytics could result in an error.

Platform - added Slovak language


This release makes it possible to render slovak as a language in the language selector.

Dashboard - Added Slovak as language


This release makes it possible to add Slovak as a language on a platform

Dashboard - Voucher group bugfix


This release makes sure that we inform users about trial days when mixing product types and also makes sure it's not possible to add them

API - discounts with mixed products


This release will make the API throw an error if trying to set trial days with mixed products(subscriptions with video/livestream/packages)

Dashboard - voucher groups copy


This release fixes the issue where wrong messages were shown in a particular state.

Platform - newsfeed images improvement


Visual improvements of the newsfeed images. This release makes sure that if we have multiple newsfeeds side by side, they won't get different heights.

Dashboard - Added possibility to edit mobil menu logo


This release makes it possible for users to edit the mobile menu logo from within the CMS

Fix for improper download links


This update fixes an issue where the download links generated was not formatted correctly

Add gifs to content rows


This update adds gif preview to the content rows

Fix incorrect download link when low resolution


This update fixes an issue where download links for videos with a lower resolution was not providing the correct download link.

Fix for error when creating new vouchers


This update fixes an error that was thrown when you created new vouchers in your voucher group.

Fix for retrieving package statistics from single channel


This update fixes an issue where you would get an error when you fetch for package statistics from a single channel.

Dashboard - relay sessions information


This release adds a visual indication in the livestreams table on how many relay sessions that's connected to a livestream

Fix issue with creating new platform pages


This update fixes an issue where creating a new platform page would end up in the page being created, but an error was thrown.

Remove status checks for gift card validation


This removes an unused status property for the gift card validation.

Bugfix - Fixed issue with CMS editors


This release fixes the issue where some users weren't able to access specific sections in the CMS

Fix issue creating new newsfeeds and articles


This update fixes an issue where creating articles and newsfeeds failed, yet still a new newsfeed was created.

Bugfix where feeds had issues fetching content from one channel


This update fixes an issue where when fetching for content in just one channel, it resulted in an error.

Partnerplatform - Voucher engine


A release coupled to the new voucher engine. This adds support for our new vouchers in the checkout.

Dashboard - Voucher Engine


This release adds a new way for users to manage vouchers on their platforms. It also adds support for creating/editing gift cards from within the Dashboard.

API - Voucher engine


Woop woop! - this is our brand new voucher engine

Add new route for listing users who watched a livestream


This update adds a new API route for returning all users that watched a livestream.

Bugfix team page


This release fixes the issue where the modal wouldn't open when trying to edit a user on the team page

Dashboard - Bugfix on team page


This release fixes the issue where you couldn't remove an invite

Add gifs to return statements where we fetch videos


This update makes it possible to work with gifs in video feeds and categories

CMS - default styling classes of content row title



Platform - default styling on content rows


This release adds better default styling on the title of content rows

CMS - content feed and channel name


Add possibility to switch on and off channel name from a content feed section

CMS - Description in Product display section


Users now enters description inside a textarea instead of an regular input, which makes it easier to manage larger text blocks

API - bugfix regarding platform name change


This release fixes the issue where a platform name change wouldn't be reflected correctly

Create and delete domain in Cloudflare


This update adds domains for a platform into Cloudflare

API - Remove some logs for user headers



Bug fix for Team page


This update fixes an issue where some users could not load the team page

Platform owners could not access the team page


This update fixes an issue where platform owners could not access the team page

Fix bug where percentage could be null


This update fixes a bug where the percentage returned could be null on the sales page.

Prerender in Cloudflare Workers


This updates the workers in Cloudflare to use Prerender for bot requests, to prerender content and adding meta tags to the returning html

Minor updates to fetching agreements


This makes sure we are only fetching the latest agreement for review by the user

Remove checking for users in legacy db


This update removes the lookup that checks for users not yet migrated to auth0.

Fixes a bug with platform names


This updates a bug where invites had the wrong name for the entity the user was invited to.

CMS - add support for Gift cards in Product display


This release add's support for managing gift card in the product display section

CMS - Improvements when adding styling to a section


This release fixes the visual bug where some windows would get stuck on top of each other when adding classes to a section

UI improvements on Video page


This release includes visual improvements on the video page when the video has a big description text

Team page for managing platform users


For platforms, we introduce a new page to handle all of the users with access to the platform in some way, instead of separately handling channel and collections. This way, you can now also manage platform users directly in the Dashboard.

Added support for custom text on login button on livestream page


This update allows platforms to customize the text on the login button visible on livestream page.

Route for returning team members


This update adds back the route for returning the entire team for a platform

Add new component to render authorize page


This update fixes a bug where a user was not redirected to the authorize page when clicking a link to accept an invite

Revert "Route for returning team members"


This reverts the previous release for team routes

Stop forcing lowercase on mobile video url for BackgroundHero


Small fix to allow for uppercase letters in mobile video url for BackgroundHero

Update to layout for sales pages


Small update to make the sales overview better in mobile screens

Show refunds in Sales overview


This update adds refunds to the sales overview tables

Specify refunds and transactions separately


The API will now show transactions and refunds separately in the sales reports

Adds new Sales overview page


This update adds a couple of new pages in order to overview the sales for a specific platform in the Dashboard

Add routes for returning revenue data from Salesforce


This update gives us routes from the API to return revenue data from Salesforce into the Dashboard

Update webhooks for stripe to catch refunded gift cards


This update adds support for noticing refunded gift cards through webhooks

API - Add refunding for gift cards


This release makes it possible to refund a gift card bought through Swish in our API

Visual improvements in the checkout


Updated design on the payment options card in the checkout

Fix bug with submitting vouchers on livestreams


This update fixes a bug where you were not able to submit vouchers on livestreams

UI fixes for livestream page button


This release adds fallback classes if secondary button classes is missing

Bugfix regarding roles description in Dashboard


This release fixes the issue where user roles showed up twice under role descriptions on collection and channel administration pages

Dashboard - Added gift cards view


With this release we make it possible for owners and admins can see an overview of their gift cards in the dashboard

API - Updates regarding fetching gift cards


This release is the first step in enabling users to show information regarding gift cards in the Dashboard

Fix gift card sales for Salesforce


This update adds functionality to add gift card sales into Salesforce

Switch to mobile mode earlier in Platform Menu


To not get overcrowded with links in smaller screen sizes, we want to switch to mobile mode earlier for the menu.

Update Slack notifications


Updates the look of the Slack notifications

Fix for redeeming PPV vouchers


This update fixes an issue where you could not redeem PPV vouchers for livestreams.

API - Notification service for gift cards



Minor styling fixes

  • Add some padding to RedeemGiftcard container

Add fix for webhooks


This update fixes an issue for webhooks

API - Fix issue with registering package purchases


This update fixes an issue with inserting package receipts.

Remove bg black from Hero image background



Bugfix - users get wrong redirect URL after successful payments


This release fixes the issue where users would get wrong redirect link after successful payments

API - Removed description from product_data to Stripe


This release fixes the issue where HTML-tags would follow along in to Stripe

API - bugfix regarding giftcards


Small improvements regarding gift cards

Added gift card support


With this release we're introducing a brand new way of managing gift cards on your platform.

API - Added support for gift cards


This release makes the API fully capable of managing gift cards.

Double check for duplicates when creating transactions


This update changes the behaviour of storing transactions related to a platform, to double check for duplicates before inserting.

Add component for Expressen CPM


This update makes it possible to use the Expressen CPM in the platform.

Fixes a small typo with storyboards


This update fixes a small typo regarding storyboards, to only show them on videos and not on livestreams.

Add storyboard to the video player


This release makes it possible to add storyboards to the video player

PP - Vertical content feed styling


This release makes it possible for users to change styling of feed date and title styling from within the CMS

Dashboard - user administration improvements


The channel selector under People -> Channel administrators now has a better visual experience.

Dashboard - Updates to the drag and drop function in the CMS


This release gives a smoother user experience when changing the order of sections in the CMS with the drag and drop functionality

Dashboard - vertical content feed styling


This release makes it possible to style both the feed title and the feed date

Dashboard - better error handling regarding channels


When trying to create a channel and something goes wrong - the dashboard user now gets a proper error message telling them what went wrong.

Add helmet to gtm beacon



Allow offset in player, to jump to specific timestamp


This update fixes a bug where you were not able to jump to a specific time in the player for resuming playback.

Insert entire url to showNativePaywall


This is an update to Expressens implementation for native payment gateway

Improvements in the Box navigation section


Empty links provided to the Box navigation section is now not an actual link

Fixes for


This release fixes the problem where users couldn't handle their subscriptions/packages on

Add more clarity regarding sign in and create account buttons


This release makes it more easier to find sign in or create account button on livestream and video pages when the content is free.

Fixes regarding Expressen


Make it possible to hide elements and redirect checkout in Expressen mobile app.

Update livestreams and videos to be more consistent in the ordering


This update improves the ordering of livestreams and videos from the API, making the result ordered by start date, name and id.

Bugfix API - issue with updating videos and livestreams


This release fixes the issue where platform owners couldn't update videos and livestreams.

Performance and bug fixes in tailwind class selector


This update fixes some bugs in the tailwind selector in the CMS.

Improvements in the Carousel component


This release adds support for both internal and external links on the secondary button in the Carousel

Improvements on the Carousel


This release adds possibility for users to add a URL to the secondary button in the Carousel

Improvements in the video page editor


This release makes it possible to style the optional secondary action button on the video page

Added option to set preview variables in Partnerplatform


This will make it easier for us to beta test features in the partnerplatform project

API - better error handling for updating channels


With this release we make it easier to understand the error messages returned from the API when updating channels

Added option to set preview variables in Dashboard


This update makes it easier for us to test new features by enabling us to set custom variables for preview deployments and local development.

Fix bug with heartbeats for live


This update fixes a bug with heartbeats not reporting properly for livestreams

CMS Improvements - tags in content feed section


The UI for the content feed section when using with tags now has a more pleasent visual experience

Bugfix - modal button text on content feeds


This release fixes the issue where the text on the modal button in the content feed section was unchangeable

Release: New player in the platform


In this release, we are updating the player to a new player.

Update information shown on account settings


Only show subscriptions related to the current platform in account settings

Set a fallback language in the platform


Update the platform to send in a language to set if none exists for the user

Update route for setting user language


This fix updates the route for fetching the user language to set a fallback language if none exist for that user.

CMS - improvements regarding styles


This release makes it possible to get autocomplete on classnames when adding/removing classes in the CMS

Dashboard - improvements on the price inputs


This release fixes the issue where focusing price inputs in different places in the dashboard could be a bit wanky

API - New routes for checkouts


This release adds new API endpoints for CRUD operations on checkouts

Not able to update language if not signed in


This update fixes a bug where you were unable to update the language if you were not signed in.

Bugfix - don't show the prompt if the template has been saved


This release fixes the issue where users would get a prompt that they have unsaved changes in email templates even though it was already saved

Fix default email templates to get sent out even if the platform haven't generated the templates


This update fixes a bug where platforms without email templates did not get emails sent out

Fix an issue with creating your first batch of templates


This update fixes an issue where your default email templates could be empty

Fix hickups with mismatching variable checks


Fixes a bug where subscription invoices did not get sent into the database.

Bugfix - make the save button in the template form clickable


This release fixes the issue where users couldn't save their email templates after editing.

Update user language for each platform


This release makes it possible for us to make sure we have the correct platform language for each user.

New feature - email templates


With this release we're adding support for customizing email templates sent out by the platform.

API support for new email templates


This release adds support in our API for managing email templates

Fix typo in action name


Fixes a typo in the action name to generate tailwind class file

CMS - Users can now preview their website in different states


With this release we're enabling our CMS pages and sections to be previewed in different conditions. You can for example choose to see how your website will look for users depending if they have a specific subscription/package.

CMS - Add support for categorized related content


This release enables users to show/hide categorized related content on a content row

Related content can now show categorized content


This release adds support for showing categorized related content on a content row

Bugfix CMS - Information section


This release fixes the issues with some styling classes that were missing for the information section image in the CMS

Dashboard - keep the user signed in


This release fixes the issue where users were signed out of the Dashboard too often.

Update webhook to fetch for subscription id if it does not exist


This change updates our webhooks to fetch for subscription information if it is not provided as metadata.

Fix ordering of videos in tag feed


Fixes an issue where the videos were in the wrong order in tag feeds.

Bugfix - default styling for language selector in mobile


This release fixes the issue where the default styling on mobile language classes were missing

API - Don't return deleted users on /admin/{type}


This release makes sure we don't return deleted users on GET /admin/collection etc.

Content feed - upload date styling


This release adds possibility to change the styling of the upload date text on the content feed sections

Default styling mobile menu


This release adds better default styling for the mobile menu

Bugfix - language selector in mobile menu


This release fixes the issue where the language selector on mobile devices lacked styling

Bugfix - carousel


This release fixes the issue where the carousel component wouldn't display fallback thumbnails correctly.

Bugfix - login link on article page


This release fixes the bug where the login link on the article page redirected to the wrong URL.

Improvement - "show before publish date" on videos


If a video has "show before publish date" set, we now don't display the duration of the video.

API - Return list_before_publish_date in GET videos/categories


The API now returns the list_before_publish_date key when fetching video categories

Added german as a language in general settings


Users can now enable german as an activated language in the CMS

Added german as a language


This release enables the platform to be run in the german language

Dashboard - Disable video on demand option


This release disables the option to set video on demand on a livestream since that's being done by default for all streams from now on

Fixes issue with deleting relay sessions


This update fixes an issue where you could not delete a relay session.

Bugfix - issue with previewing video in the CMS


This release fixes the bug where the video player on the video page wouldn't play.

Improvements regarding the video page in the CMS


This release adds possibility for users to add a visibility opacity on the background image on the video page

Improvements on the video page


This release enables user to set an opacity on the background color of the video page

Fix issue with Condition Lists page crashing


This fixes an issue where the condition lists table could cause the page to crash in certain conditions.

Add routes for user agreements


This update adds new routes for our new user agreements system.

Lowering the time we wait for a token


This update is meant to lower the amount of time we wait for a token, making the Display conditions load faster.

Amount of videos in paginating count should be correct for categories now


This update fixes an issue where you got more pages back than expected when fetching videos that are not categorized.

Improvements on background images


This release adds a new styling option for background images in General settings

Improvement regarding channel selector on Content feeds


Users can now search when selecting what channels to pick content from in a content feed section of the CMS.

Improvement regarding visual design of hero image section


This release makes the hero image styles on mobile devices more appropriate

Improvement regarding display conditions in the CMS


When previewing a section that has display conditions added, the popup helper would cut texts. This release fixes that issue.

Change color of statistics


This release changes some old theme colors to our new colors in the Dashboard.

Improvements regarding the CMS


This release brings improvements on the way we handling previewing data in the CMS

Better support for wide pictures


This release enhances the support for different picture sizes on the livestream and video page.

Bugfix - search icon on mobile devices


This release fixes the issue where the search icon on mobile device lead to the wrong path

Update the amount of time a user is signed in on the partnerplatform


This update changes the behavior for signing in, keeping the users signed in for at least a week without interaction.

Fixes bug when inviting an admin to the Dashboard


This update fixes a bug where inviting a user to the Dashboard resulted in an error.

CMS Editor for the Channel page


This release adds the new section Channel page to be editable from within the CMS in the dashboard

Added new section - Channel page


This gives users ability to add a new section to highlight a specific channel on their platform

Fix bug with thumbnails on livestream collections


This release fixes the issue where fallback thumbnail was used on livestream collection even thou an actual thumbnail exists

Update to new cache for livestream thumbnails


The livestream thumbnails now uses a new CDN.

Updates related to checkout


This update fixes an issue where the user could end up making multiple checkout requests

Invite to platform without connections fails


This fixes an issue where invites to a platform that only used OIDC failed since we are not able to invite a user to those providers.

Fix fetching manifest for livestream chapters


This fixes a bug where the URL for retrieving the chapter time for livestream chapters ended up as 00:00:00.

Fixes a bug that related to Display Conditions


This update fixes a bug where authenticated requests ran too early, making our API requests fail that needed auth related to Display conditions.

Only sync platforms not deleted


This update makes sure we only syncs platforms not deleted

Fix bug with Salesforce data


This fixes a bug where some salesforce data was grouped incorrectly

Updates to OIDC connections


Allow users connected to an OIDC provider to sign up for regular Staylive accounts

Use hostname instead of origin for platforms


This is a small tweak for how we determine the platform by domain.

Platforms now fetched by domain


This is an internal update, where our platforms now fetch the related metadata about a platform by the domain, instead of by id's.

Twitter logotype in footer


This release enables user to add a twitter icon in their footer from the CMS

Bugfix - Information section


This release fixes a smaller visual issue with the information section component

Bugfix - Content feed


This fixes a smaller visual issue in the content feed section

Hard to find favorite team in checkout


This release makes the user experience when selecting favorite teams in the checkout smoother.

Bugfix: Issue with saving sections in the CMS

  • Add safeguard against undefined and empty Display condition object

Add admin route for removing Stripe references


This update adds a route for deleting stripe references on a customer.

New feature, Display conditions


This update adds the feature Display conditions, which lets you hide and show components based on if a user is a subscriber or not.

Fixed typo in default styling for show all button on content feed


Changed a typo that was breaking the styling for the modal button in Content Feed

Error when checking out a subscription


Fixes an edge case where sometimes checking out a subscription would fail in the checkout.

Add option to verify domain with Facebook pixel component


This update adds the possibility to verify the domain with facebook using the Facebook Pixel component

Fix bug with tags in Vertical content feed


This update fixes a bug where tags did not work correctly with the Vertical content feed.

Update CDN for older videos


This update makes some changes to the CDN used for older videos

Fixes a minor bug in Vertical content feed


Fixes a bug where when switching to a different feed, you ended up on page 2 per default.

CMS- Improvements on Vertical feed section

  • Enable styling of pagination

Login flow problem on platforms from checkout


This release fixes the issue where platforms that used popup login somethings ended up in a forzen state during checkout login

UI improvements on the Information section


This release makes some UI changes to the Information section

Update revenue routes


This update adds more data to the routes returning revenue for a platform

Improvements on the Vertical content feed


This fix includes various fixes for the vertical content feed section, mostly related to the UI of the section.

Bugfix - Dashboard livestream replay price input


This fixes the issue where the price input under a livestream replay would get a bit to narrow in some screen sizes.

Improvement on the Carousel section


This release fixes the issue where the carousel could feel a bit "jumpy" on initial load.

Bug fix for conditional rendering


This update fixes a bug where conditional rendering would not work for the containers in the platform.

API - Add option to use binding times on subscription cancel


This release makes sure that our API is capable of supporting cancelation of subscriptions with binding times

Add routes for showing VAST structure


This update fixes a bug with the VAST implementation for the video player.

Bugfix - price input is to small on small screens


This release fixes the issues where digits sometimes would disappear when creating or editing a package in the Dashboard.

CMS - Implement discarding for commons


With this release we're adding support for discarding drafts in header and footer in the CMS

API - Add support for discarding drafts in header, footer and general settings


This is the first part of enabling discarding drafts in header, footer and general settings in the CMS

Support for internal notes on collections


This release enables administrators to add internal notes on collections, the same feature that's already been implemented on channels and livestreams.

Update ads.txt for Bandyplay



Bugfixes on relay destinations


This release fixes a bug where the fields of username and password didn't show up correctly on initial loading of the page

API - Support for adding a new sub/package to a condition list


With this release we take the first step in implementing support for adding a subscription or package to a condition list when creating the actual subscription/package.

Update color from red to green for relay sessions


This updates the status indicator that a relay sessions is live from red to green.

Minor update to Swish refunds



Bugfix - fixed header looses styling


This release fixes the bug where a fixed header wouldn't apply correct styles at the correct time.

Fixes an issue with download links


This update fixes an issue where the download links from offloaded content were not in the proper format.

Added ability to copy a page in the CMS


Users of the CMS can now copy a page along with it's included sections and styling.

Bug where OIDC users could restrict from signing up


This update fixes the issue where some users registered through an OIDC could not sign up on other platforms.

Fixes a bug when creating a new Relay session


This fixes a bug where you could get an error when creating a new relay session.

Fix error on search


This update fixes an error that caused the search page to not function properly.

Add new route for fetching platform by domain


New API route for fetching platforms by domain

Prevent content feed and box navigation to be draggable in desktop


This release fixes the issue where the boxes in content feed and box navigation seemed to be draggable, but wasn't.

Add exception for older Sportexpressen app


This adds an exception for an older version of the Sportexpressen app to switch uid and id.

Fix bug with offloaded assets


This update fixes the playback with video that has been offloaded

Fix issue with fetching tags in Carousel


This release fixes a bug where the carousel had trouble fetching content using tags.

Bug fix for even older devices


This fix updates even older mobile apps

Revert uid and id for older mobile apps



Error when fetching subscriptions


This update fixes an issue where you could sometimes get an error when fetching your active subscriptions

Add links to custom domains and remove links to


With this release we're enabling our users to navigate directly to their site from within the Dashboard, even if they have a custom domain setup. It also removes broken links.

API - Internal notes on collections


This is the first step in enabling users to have internal notes on their collections.

Make it possible to filter subscriptions, packages and coupons by platform


In this update, we make it possible through the API to filter out based on a platform which subscriptions, packages, and coupons to show to the user in the API response

Fix minor bug with fetching newsfeed


This update fixes a small bug for fetching the newsfeed

Bug fix for creating subscriptions with decimal pricing


This bugfix fixes an issue where you where not allowed to create a subscription with a decimal in the price.

Vertical content feed - title fixes


This enables users in the CMS to edit styling of the title used if only one feed is selected

Vertical content feed - fix title issue.


This enable users to show a specific title if only one feed is used instead of a select list with only one option.

New feature - relay destinations


With this release we're bringing a new feature in to the dashboard - relay destinations. This enables users to add multiple relay destinations that later on can be used on livestreams to send the livestream to a 3rd party location

Flip uid and id for clarity


This update fixes a bug where uid and id was flipped in the platform.

Fixes an issue with fetching livestream tags and collection categories


This update fixes an issue with the livestream tags and collection categories.

Bugfix - carousel component

  • Fix eternal loading when previewing tags

Dashboard - updated default styling for the box navigation section


New default styling when adding a new box navigation section

Bugfix - hard to click on boxes and content feeds


This release fixes the issue where it was hard to click on boxes in the box navigation and content feed section.

Partnerplatform - Use popup login/register if platform is in iframe


This release makes embedded platform use the popup signin/register-flow from Auth0

Users with watch and download can now bypass geo restrictions


Fixes a bug where users with the access level Watch & Download did not bypass the geo restrictions for videos and livestreams.

Fixes an issue when creating new platform


This release fixes a bug that occurred when creating a new platform.

Release Relay destinations and Relay sessions


This release adds Relay Destinations and Relay sessions to our streaming system and API.

API - return custom domain in platform routes


With this release we make sure that if a platform has a custom domain, we return it in our API response.

API - Unique channel path


This fix makes sure that the channel path is unique when creating new channels

Can not update header or footer in CMS


This fixes a bug where we checked for theme specific variables, even if theme was not being updated and sent in as payload.

Merge pull request #81 from StayLive/feature/sta-434


Add internal_notes to collections

Bugfix - platform name does not get updated


This release fixes the issue where the platform name didn't get updated everywhere.

New feature to forward tags from streams to replays


With this release, the tags you may have on your livestream now follows along to the replay video.

Read and write on subscriptions - type check of checkout reference


When fetching and updating a subscription, we now explicitly check for the type of the checkout_references

Bugfix - pagination goes out of the viewport


This release fixes the issue where the pagination would disappear on smaller screens.

Dasboard - API status fix


This release fixes the issue where the API status section of the Dashboard sometimes wouldn't load properly.

Bugfix regarding updating channels


This release fixes the issue where users were unable to edit a channel without adding a description.

Livestream feeds not paginating correctly


This release fixes a bug where you would not get the correct amount of livestreams back from the route if you did not have access to the channel requested.

Bugfix - edit channel in Dashboard


This release fixes the issues where channel administrators were unable to edit channels

Fix error when creating new platforms


This update fixes an issue where the login URI for a new platform was misconfigured.

Bugfix - error message on livestreams


This version fixes the issue where error messages weren't showing up correctly.

Bug in pagination for users not signed in


This fixes a bug in the livestream feed pagination where users not signed in did not get the correct amount of objects and pages back.

Listing livestreams does not return the correct pagination


This update fixes a bug where the pagination for livestream feeds returned the incorrect number of pages and objects.

Update video when uploaded through a URL


This update fixes the issue where if a video was uploaded using a URL, it was not set as finished.

Bugfix - the price input when creating livestreams is to narrow


This release fixes the bug where the price input was to narrow on a certain screen display.

Bugfix - drag and drop functionality in the CMS


This release fixes the issue were users weren't able to use the drag and drop functionality to rearrange different sections in the CMS.

Bugfix regarding fonts in the CMS


This release fixes the issue where users were unable to save changes under General settings in the CMS

Bugfix livestreams to videos


This release fixes the issues where livestreams failed to convert to videos

Typographical changes after rebranding


Changed some texts in meta tags etc to be correct after rebranding

Conditional rendering in Platforms


This release is the first step towards enabling users to conditionally hide/show different sections on their platforms depending on different conditions such as subscriptions or packages.

Fixes after rebranding


Changed some colors in the Dashboard that had been forgotten after rebranding

Rebranding of the Dashboard


This release includes a new face for the Dashboard due to our company rebranding.

Bugfix - description text on embed videos


This release fixes the bug where the description text on embedded videos didn't format correctly.

Updated new logotype in footer


The footer components now has our new Staylive logotype in them

Update all URLs to allow * for logins and logouts


This update makes the default domain for platforms, instead of

Fix issue with creating videos


Fixes an issue where not sending in price resulted in a 500 error when creating a new video

Fix invite to Dashboard


This fixes a bug with the invite functionality to the Dashboard

Fix URL when managing a voucher


This release fixes the bug where you ended up at the wrong URL when trying to manage a batch coupon

Added ability to add/update users as Owners to a platform, collection or channel


This fixes the bug where platform owners couldn't add a new platform owner.

Increased loading time on fallback images in the API


This fix makes the loading of fallback images to a platform a lot faster.

Small improvements on the new Searchpage


The user can now style both the wrapper and the container surrounding the search sectio. Also includes some small bug fixes.

Switched out our video player to Mux player


The video player in the dashboard now uses a new improved one from Mux.

API routes for Conditional render lists


In this update, we release the backend for conditional render lists, which can be used to hide/show components based on customer purchase data.

Internal notes on channels and livestreams


With this release we added the ability to add internal notes on channels and livestreams. These notes are only for internal use and will only be visible inside the dashboard.

Remove the share section under video section in Dashboard


Since the links presented in this section isn't relevant anymore we don't want to show them. The correct links can now be found under the "Share"-section on the video or livestream page.

Added option to style inner container of Information Section


Users can now edit the classes for the inner container of Information Section.

Center product cards


Added small a small tweak to product cards (subscriptions, packages) to ensure they are always centered and correct width.

Add option for custom text in cookie popup


This release adds the option to create a custom text in a cookie popup.

Separate URI and HOST for external subscriptions


Creating the return URI for an external subscription can now be divided by host and CTA, for more flexibility.

Fix error for checking external subscriptions


This update fixes an issue with external subscriptions, where we tried to check if the user was already subscribed, even if the user was not signed in.

Enabling to edit the CheckoutProvider


This update enables everyone to update the CheckoutProvider in the CMS. You can also preview the Checkout in all of the steps of the checkout flow.

Add metadata into platform payments and routes for syncing revenue


The changes in this update bring more tags to the platform payments, in order to better distinguish what a payment is for, as well as enable some new routes in order to get this information.

OIDC implementation


This updates makes it possible to use a 3rd party provider for signing in to a platform, and to use an external subscription in the checkout step.

Fix error with not being able to retrieve subscriptions


Fixes an error where a customer could not fetch a specific subscription

Updated status badges for upcoming videos in Dashboard


Added new status badge in dashboard video list for upcoming videos that are visible before being published.

Add external subscriptions


This update enables the API to handle external subscriptions, not based on the regular Staylive subscriptions. This makes it possible to handle access to content through a 3rd party provider.

Added CMS Editor for the new Search page component


This enables users to edit the styling and behavior of the new search component from within the CMS.

Remove duplicate entry for endedText


This update removes a duplicate translation key in the search page.

Use SEK if no platform currency found


When registering a transaction for a platform, this update now defaults the currency to SEK if no other currency has been set.

Upcoming videos can now enabled through the Dashboard


With this release we're enabling users to set a video to be upcoming when adding or editing a video. When this setting is enabled it makes the video visible on the platform, but unplayable until the publish date is reached.

Platforms can now show upcoming videos


This release is enabling our platforms to show upcoming videos in various components such as content feed, carousel etc.

Cancel subscriptions upon deleting user


This update makes it so the action for deleting your account now cancels all of your subscriptions.

Rename textColorSecondary to textColorAccent in general settings


This update allows the new textColorAccent property for General settings.

Bugfix - cant update general settings


This release fixes the issue with not being able to update the theme settings on your platform through the CMS

Updated names for secondary/accent colors


This release fixes the issue we had with naming conventions regarding the platforms accent/secondary colors.

Tweaks on new search page component


This release includes various fixes to the new search page component.

Minor fixes for ProductDisplay component

  • Users can now edit the titles of subscription and packages

Added possibility to preview Checkout component in CMS


Enable the Checkout component in the platform project to be able to be previewed from the Dashboard CMS.

Fix error when inserting SwishLive usage


There was an error in recording SwishLive usage. This update resolves this issue.

Add delete/discard capability to drafts for theme settings in the CMS


First step in enabling users to be able to discard drafts in the CMS for general settings.

Add custom domains and playback restrictions


With this update, we have updated the API to handle custom domains for each platform. When creating a custom domain through the new API route, we also generate playback restrictions for that domain.

Added link to the platform in the header section


This release makes it easier for users to navigate to their website from within the CMS, without the need to navigate back to the Dashboard as it was before.

Add new route for recording Staylive Broadcaster usage


This release adds a new route that enables us to see if a livestream is using Staylive broadcaster.

Platform owners can now submit product feature requests


With this release we open op the opportunity for platform owners to submit product feature requests from within the Dashboard. If you're a platform owner you should see a new button below the sidebar where you can fill in a form to submit your desired product feature request.

Add support for adding internal notes on channels and livestreams


First step in enabling platform users to add internal notes on both channels and livestreams.

Default styles for logotype in hero/cover image in the CMS


When adding a new Hero/Cover image-section in the CMS we now add correct default styles on the logotype which makes it easier for users to get started with.

Added new route for creating product feature requests


This is the first step in enabling platform owners to request product features from inside the Dashboard.

Update ads.txt for


Updates the allowed list for ads on

Add about when fetching a platform, and remove duplicate channels


When fetching for a platform, the API now returns the about sections, as well as removing duplicate channels.

Enable users to set a custom height on the footer logotype in the CMS


This release enables users to set a custom height on the footer logotype in the CMS

Foundation for new search page in platforms


Created a new component for the search page in our platform. This is the first step in updating our platforms with a brand new search page, with updated UX, better filtering and search functionality than before.

Prepare the API for being able to list upcoming videos


As of this release, the API now fully supports creating/editing and reading videos with a publish date in the future. This is the first step of making sure we can fully support our customers to display upcoming videos.

Users with the role statistician can now view channels


This fixes the issue for users with the role of statistician which earlier couldn't see the list of channels correctly.

Added save and close button to all modals in the CMS


The modal used for managing feeds in box navigation, carousel and vertical content feed behave slightly different causing confusion and making development harder. This fix makes the modals consistent with a clear "Save and close"-button in all of the above components.

Allow replay description to be empty


Updates the validation for replay information, allowing replay description to be set as an empty string.

Only show Crisp widget if user is Dashboard user


Currently, the Crisp widget is initialized even if the user does not have Dashboard access. This confuses a lot of users and creates support tickets that are unnecessary. This update makes it so that the widget does not initialize if the user is not a Dashboard user.

Add IP addresses for Swish callbacks


We have included Swish new IP range to allow these new addresses to send us callbacks related to Swish payments.

Add quality check for video downloads


Sometimes videos stored in our backend is not in HD quality, which results in broken download links. This bug fix enables us to return a download URL for medium quality in those cases.

Updated sidebar layout


The sidebar has got a new layout and we have grouped menu options together, to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

Add new functionality to scale platform applications


In order to display more information about which apps that are connected to a platform, we have updated the response for getting a platform to display if the platform has got mobile applications and tvOS applications released and connected to the platform.

Only admin and owners should be able to create channels


Access to create and edit channels from the Dashboard is now set correctly to owners and admins.